It is only after a person opens his mouth silence is golden essay speaks that others can know his views, attitudes, perspectives towards an issue or life, and his behavior. They are all a proof that you are alive somewhere inside. It helps you to look inward into your soul. It is the first language in which humans communicated; even before the existence of any language and literature in the history of man kinds, silence is golden essay. Barriers to eat fast food and essay on friday, figures of spirit. Since ages, old men have ascertained the importance of silence in our lives. English proverbs -speech is silver silence is silver but do u.
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Time and again, we are reminded that a certain individual has delivered a perfect speech! The speaker is often applauded and praised. For speeches delivered at conferences, seminars, at university lectures and other official cases, they require adequate preparation and detailed proofreading. In other unofficial meetings such as at political rallies, speeches are not formal and the speaker may speak without having to prepare for long. However, the argument that speech is silver but silence is gold has time and again made sense as argued in this paper. Many a time we have been compelled to turn our backs on friends and colleagues for a reason or two. Among the chief reasons for this is the speech!
Some friends opt to speak badly about us and we are left with no option but to severe our ties with them. The tongue is a small but very powerful weapon, it is said. Hence when an individual opts to speak words that harm others, he or she becomes an enemy of more than just the target. In a public place, some speeches earn the speaker much praise while others earn him or her much hatred. One such case is that of President Donald Trump who is loved and hated in an almost equal measure within and outside the United States due to his stand on various issues. He has been vocal in his speech against Muslims and this has landed him hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of haters all over the world.
Before he became vocal on his stand against Muslims, he was only known to be a successful business and Muslims harbored no ill feelings or negative attitude against him. Silence is precious. It is only after a person opens his mouth and speaks that others can know his views, silence is golden essay, attitudes, perspectives towards an issue or life, and his behavior. Arrogant speeches, talk that seems to belittle other people, silence is golden essay, and uttering gibberish or irrelevant words portrays one in a negative light. Furthermore, many people have suffered losses worth millions or billions of dollars as a result of their speeches. In other cases, silence is golden essay, businesses have lost customers once senior representatives of firms say words that customers interpret to be against their expectations.
Such losses and fines could have been avoided through silence. It is better for one to keep quiet and be considered a fool than to say words that immediately cause havoc and hatred. In other cases, families have been separated as a result of their speech. Negative talk has seen husbands divorce wives, and wives have left their husbands causing suffering to children. It is better for a family member to remain quiet and converse only when necessary than open up and say words that hurt the feelings of other people. Rumors, gossip, innuendoes and other forms of negative talk have been cited in many occasions as key causes of family and friendship breakup, silence is golden essay.
In the long run, silence is golden essay, a quiet person silence is golden essay more respected than one who does not know how to keep things to him or herself. In conclusion, silence is golden. Silence is golden essay, speech is silver but silence proves to be golden. Buy Essay Pay For Essay Write My Essay Homework Writing Help Essay Silence is golden essay Service Thesis Writing Help Write My College Essay Do My Essay Term Paper Writing Service Coursework Writing Service Write My Research Paper Assignment Writing Help Essay Writing Help. Login Order now. Call Now! Order now. Search for:. Order now! Get Custom Essay from:. Free essay sample on the given topic "Advantages Of Studying Locally". Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience, silence is golden essay.
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persuasive essay introduction
I realized that, in general, if something does not hold importance, I simply should not say it. Rather, I should think about the things actually said, how my thoughts could relate, and how I could learn from the encounter. Obviously, I do not always achieve that, as it would take too much time for reality to allow. It merely encompasses the ideal I strive for, in order to better myself. Silence can only last so long without something becoming lost, whatever that something may be. Silence is best used cautiously, but all the while it is exquisite. Silence is golden.
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Sponsor This Essay. Donate If you enjoyed this essay, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to This I Believe, Inc. In the end, let me quote Max Ehrmann, who, in the seventeenth century, gave a piece of advice which holds good even today. Hindi Essay, English Essay, Punjabi Essay, Biography, General Knowledge, Ielts Essay, Social Issues Essay, Letter Writing in Hindi, English and Punjabi, Moral Stories in Hindi, English and Punjabi. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. English Essays. English Essay on Silence is Golden, English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students. Tags: English Essay , English Essays , Essay in English , Paragraph , Short Paragraph , Short Speech , Speech. Related Posts. About The Author Absolute-Study Hindi Essay, English Essay, Punjabi Essay, Biography, General Knowledge, Ielts Essay, Social Issues Essay, Letter Writing in Hindi, English and Punjabi, Moral Stories in Hindi, English and Punjabi.
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