Essay on greenhouse effect
These causes seem simple and fixable, but if they are not cut down, the Earth and its inhabitants will feel the effects. Since it is the primary source of generating electricity, the loss of fossil fuels is massive, due to which the global warming has increased. Global warming trends… References Bryner, essay on greenhouse effect, J. It has a dangerous effect as it can reduce or even essay on greenhouse effect holes in the ozone layer. If continued without taking precautions to save the earth, the situations are going to be worse. Environmental Changes the Physical Environmental Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : References Al-Abdulwahab, S.
History of Greenhouse Effect
Greenhouse Effect and Global arming The modern world, while no doubt has provided us with immense luxuries and facilities, it has also come at a cost that our future generation will have to pay. The modernization of our world has meant that our towns and cities expand more and more, and increasingly greater pressure is being put on our planet; this is true, not only in terms of the demands for resources, but also how we are damaging the planet. Industrialization, Deforestation, Urbanization and our inconsiderate lifestyle has already meant a major uprooting of wildlife from their original habitats; all of this is a resultant of human neglect.
This human neglect today can be seen clearly in the form of Climate Change and its various implications. Climate Change is a problem that has taken the entire world in its fold and therefore requires taking a closer look at what and…. Works Cited BBC Weather Center. Climate Change: Greenhouse Gases. July Effects of Global Warming: Signs are everywhere. Greenhouse Effect. The Greenhouse Effect. He further protested that exempting many developing countries from the five percent reduction clause would place many American industries at a disadvantage in the world market. For the past decade, the United States government has tried to lower air pollution levels through legislation. Because car emissions are probably the greatest contributor to air pollution, states like California have initiated strict "zero emission vehicle" policies in Under this mandate, all vehicles in California are required to follow strict emissions guidelines.
The Environmental Protection Agency is set to phase in similar antismog standards in the rest of the country beginning in Ball. The need for zero emissions vehicles has spurred auto manufacturers to develop new vehicle technologies that cut down on these emissions. For example, many auto companies are now marketing cars powered by batteries and fuel cells Ball. By using alternative sources of energy, these vehicles do not produce…. Works Cited Ball, Jeffrey. October 24, Proquest Database. Morgan, Sally. Global Warming.
Chicago: Reed Publishing, Robbins, Gary. January 6, A3. United States Environmental Protection Agency. United States Environmental Protection Agency. There are several models using the scientific method used to measure and support the concept of global warming, essay on greenhouse effect. Scientists are measuring items that have remained on Earth for millions of years, such as the ice core samples, but they are also measuring tree rings and other living indicators of the Earth's temperature. Scientist Johansen continues, "Bythe Earth had sustained 20 consecutive years above the to average temperature, essay on greenhouse effect, with the upward curve steepening toward the end of the period" Johansen This has continued into the 21st century at an even steeper rate, and the scientific evidence points to even greater warming in the next decades.
The bottom line on global warming is that people need to take it more seriously. It seems that many people still do not understand the reality of essay on greenhouse effect warming, and that if the planet continues to warm the way it has…. References Editors. html Johansen, Bruce E. The Global Warming Desk Reference. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Pidwirny, M. html Wheldon, Julie. Global warming and the greenhouse effect are realities of contemporary living. These phenomena are the result of humankind's lack of stewardship of the environment which put a tremendous strain on nature and every living species thereto.
The greenhouse effect is one of the culprits causing global warming and although it is a "natural occurrence that helps regulate the temperature of our planet EPA ," there are negative effects occurring of late. When the sun hits the earth's surface, "some of this heat escapes back to space. The rest of the heat, also known as infrared radiation, is trapped in the atmosphere by clouds and greenhouse gases EPA ;" this is why it is called the greenhouse effect. ut when the few trace greenhouse gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, hydrogen, nitrous oxide and ozone Global Greenhouse Warming increase in concentration in the atmosphere, less heat energy….
Bibliography: Global Greenhouse Warming, essay on greenhouse effect. What is Global Warming? Kluger, Jeffrey. Global Warming Heats Up. Ozone Hole. Time for Change. Cause and Effect for Global Warming. hy the huge disparity in viewpoints when the science has been empirically established for twenty years or more? Journalist Bryan alsh references sociologists from Michigan State and Oklahoma State Universities Riley Dunlap and Aaron McCright, respectivelyessay on greenhouse effect, who say there has been a "well-financed effort on the part of conservative groups and corporations to distort global-warming science" alsh, In the book written by Dunlap and McCright the Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society they assert that global climate change science has been "assaulted" by fossil-fuel corporations, conservative think tanks" for over twenty years.
Hence, in conclusion, one way to spread the word to consumers and citizens is to battle back against the propaganda that seeks to deny the truth about climate change. In addition, very simple changes in lifestyles using CFLs, taking essay on greenhouse effect bus, hanging clothes out to dry, essay on greenhouse effect the car tuned up, and sealing up leaks and…. Works Cited Chevrolet. Somebody Has to Be First. Chevrolet VOLT. Environmental Protection Agency. Frequently Asked Questions About Global Warming And Climate Change: Back to Basics. Green Driving Tips. John K. Edited by Owen, Anothony D. And Nick Hanley, New York: Routledge, Louis Putterman.
Jeffrey D. Sachs, John. Mcarthur, Guido Schmidt-Traub, Margaret Kruk, Chandrika Bahadur, Michael Faye, and Gordon Mccord. Eugene R. ahl and Caspar M. John C. Bluedorn,Akos Valentinyi, and Michael Vlassopoulos. The Long-Lived Effects…. WORKS CITED John C. Bluedorn, Akos Valentinyi, and Michael Vlassopoulos. The Long-Lived Effects of Historic Climate on the Wealth of Nations University of Southampton, essay on greenhouse effect, Magyar Nemzeti Bank the central bank of Hungary 17 November Melissa Dell, Benjamin F. Jones, and Benjamin a. Olivier Desch'enes and Enrico Moretti. Sachs, and Andrew D. Global Warming and Climate Change Natural versus anthropogenic forces in climate change are a common topic for discussion. Some people believe that the global warming experienced now is essay on greenhouse effect of a natural cycle while other others believe it is accelerated thanks to human evolution on earth.
Although there is a natural cycle on the planet concerning global warming, this is not the case regarding the information provided from scientific data on the effects of human-generated global warming. Natural global warming takes long periods of time to develop. People that have analyzed previous global warming trends have noted the rise in temperatures occurred over a prolonged period, like thousands of years. However, human-caused global warming has essay on greenhouse effect a warming trend at a faster rate, essay on greenhouse effect. Instead of thousands of years, it is decades. Secondly, humans were not around for the previous global warming trends and if they were, they were much smaller….
Earth's Climate System is a complex system that is influenced by many different factors. The manner in which the climate is maintained, and makes life on Earth possible, is a culmination of the atmospheric conditions and the Earth's energy balance that is determined primarily essay on greenhouse effect energy introduced into the system as well as its ability to trap energy in the greenhouse layer. The Earth resides in the "Goldilocks Zone", or the habitable zone, which is believed to be essay on greenhouse effect region around a star in which the right conditions for life can be sustained; recently scientist have been able to discover other planets that could also reside in such zones.
Zin, The Earth's climate system provides an ideal habitat for life based on its relationship to the closest star, the sun, and its orbital patterns. The rotation of the earth, as well as the rotation of the moon, give the….
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Other gases like nitrogen oxide and chloroflurocarbons, man made gases, get caught in the atmosphere as well. The decay of animals and respiration are two main natural sources of carbon dioxide. If it did, we would be forced to adapt to the new climate that we brought upon ourselves. Carbon dioxide pollution from the increase of industry and transportation is a major cause of global warming. These two causes are connected with the growth in the world population. As the population grows the necessity for food and other products increase, therefore industry must grow to keep up with the demand. The increase in transportation is directly due to the growing population and the need for jobs and the growing congestion on our highways.
Another cause in global warming is deforestation. Trees remove carbon dioxide from the air as they grow. The carbon dioxide is released back into the air as they are cut and burned. The forest ability to reduce the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is decreasing due to massive deforestation around the world. These causes seem simple and fixable, but if they are not cut down, the Earth and its inhabitants will feel the effects. Over the last hundred years, the global temperatures have been increasing slowly, but steadily. Since , the temperature has risen 0. Scientist predict that if we continue putting the same amount of gas into the atmosphere, that by the year the temperature will be rising as much as 0. Overall, the global temperature could rise anywhere from 5 to 9 degrees over the next fifty years.
If the temperatures do rise, as predicted, several things could happen. The increase of temperature could alter the growth of crops in areas near the equator due to insufficient rain and heat. This could really hurt countries that rely in imported food. With the high temperatures the polar ice caps could melt and cause the sea water level to go up 1 to 3 feet. This could take out small islands, coastal cities and some shallow rivers. The Everglades in Florida would be almost, if not totally, wiped right off the map. The Everglades is the home for many animals and plant life. If it did get flooded, they would all have to move northward across very dry land, which they will not be able to endure for very long. When the hot temperatures do spread southward and northward, tropical disease will spread with it.
Diseases that were down in Mexico will, maybe, occur in North and South Carolina or eventually Vermont. These new diseases will be hard to deal with causing many more deaths and illnesses that before. The financial problem with this is that the flooding will cause dams to be built and cities to be reconstructed. This temperature increase would drastically affect the growthof many different crops and cause the polar ice caps to melt, thus increasingsea levels to rise up to several metres. If this rise in sea level was to occurmany areas would be much more prone to flooding, and generally much deeperfloods than would be expected nowdays. This flooding would happen paricularlyaround coastal regions worldwide, and also along many rivers that flow to orfrom coastal inlets.
Changes in the climate can lead to significant changes in agriculturalindustries. This can lead to good farmland becoming deserts, make it too hot forsome crops to grow or let pests and diseases thrive. As a result some countriescan suffer bad economic conditions and people will have to move. Some low lyingcountries such as those on the Pacific islands or Holland could have a lot offlooding and a lot of money would need to be spent building sea walls and leveebanks to stop flooding. For these reasons it is very important to carefullymanage the greenhouse effect by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide going intothe air and planting more trees. Hi there, would you like to get such an essay?
How about receiving a customized one? Check it out goo. Home Page Essay Type Cause And Effect Essay The Greenhouse Effect Argumentative Essay. The Greenhouse Effect Argumentative Essay. Related Essays. The Greenhouse Effect Essay Summary Words 3 Pages. Greenhouse Essay Words 3 Pages. Bluedorn,,Akos Valentinyi, and Michael Vlassopoulos. The Long-Lived Effects…. WORKS CITED John C. Bluedorn, Akos Valentinyi, and Michael Vlassopoulos. The Long-Lived Effects of Historic Climate on the Wealth of Nations University of Southampton, Magyar Nemzeti Bank the central bank of Hungary 17 November Melissa Dell, Benjamin F. Jones, and Benjamin a. Olivier Desch'enes and Enrico Moretti. Sachs, and Andrew D. Global Warming and Climate Change Natural versus anthropogenic forces in climate change are a common topic for discussion.
Some people believe that the global warming experienced now is part of a natural cycle while other others believe it is accelerated thanks to human evolution on earth. Although there is a natural cycle on the planet concerning global warming, this is not the case regarding the information provided from scientific data on the effects of human-generated global warming. Natural global warming takes long periods of time to develop. People that have analyzed previous global warming trends have noted the rise in temperatures occurred over a prolonged period, like thousands of years. However, human-caused global warming has produced a warming trend at a faster rate. Instead of thousands of years, it is decades. Secondly, humans were not around for the previous global warming trends and if they were, they were much smaller….
Earth's Climate System is a complex system that is influenced by many different factors. The manner in which the climate is maintained, and makes life on Earth possible, is a culmination of the atmospheric conditions and the Earth's energy balance that is determined primarily by energy introduced into the system as well as its ability to trap energy in the greenhouse layer. The Earth resides in the "Goldilocks Zone", or the habitable zone, which is believed to be the region around a star in which the right conditions for life can be sustained; recently scientist have been able to discover other planets that could also reside in such zones. Zin, The Earth's climate system provides an ideal habitat for life based on its relationship to the closest star, the sun, and its orbital patterns.
The rotation of the earth, as well as the rotation of the moon, give the…. Works Cited NASA. Climate Change: How do we know? SEVEN EARTH-SIZED PLANETS ORBIT A NEARBY STAR, AND THREE ARE IN ITS 'HABITABLE ZONE'. ockstein and Sussman defined senescence as the period of life where the human body weakens and declines in function rather than grows, a period which is of course associated with physical aging. There is much individual and cultural variation in this process, this is a gradual process, and it occurs across all cultures and in all individuals. Cultural perceptions of aging were also noted by ockstein and Sussman to affect functional abilities as individuals grow older.
An acceleration of senescence that occurs due to external factors such as disease, tobacco use, alcohol and drug abuse, poor diet, or physical trauma is known as secondary aging, and for the sake of brevity these factors will not be considered here. As people age there are numerous physical changes that take place that affect functional abilities, some obvious and some not so obvious. There are also cognitive changes that occur as a…. References Al-Abdulwahab, S. The Effects of Aging on Muscle Strength and Functional Ability of Healthy Saudi Arabian Males.
Annals of Saudi Medicine, 19 3 , Birren, J. Human Aging: A Biological and Behavioral Study. HSM Publication Number Washington DC: U. Publishing Office. Paterson, DH, Jones, D. Ageing and physical activity: evidence to develop exercise recommendations for older adults. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 98 Supplement 2 , S69 -- S Rockstein, M. Biology of aging. CA: Wadsworth. Global Warming and Its Effects For many years, people have been talking about how the weather has changed over the past ten years. In fact, you may have witnessed these changes first hand.
The earth's climate has been continuously changing for millions of years. Currently, studies indicate that the Earth is undergoing global warming. The first time I ever heard about global warming was a television commercial. I remember that the commercial featured two children and an adult. In the commercial, the adult started to explain global warming, however his explanation was beyond the scope of the children's understanding. The little girl in the commercial was too confused by the explanation that then prompted the adult to flash-forward into the future to show the children the effects of the climatological concept he was talking about.
While the trio are seen in a luscious park at the beginning of the commercial,…. Bibliography: Gore, Al. An Inconvenient Truth. United States: Paramount Classics, Carbon dioxide 07 Dec. Economic Impacts of Tourism: United Nations Environment Program The development of the tourism industry could cost the local government as well as local taxpayers a huge amount of money. The government resources being utilized on developing the airport, roads as well as other infrastructure or providing tax breaks for developing the tourism industry could enable the government to minimize their investment in other important sectors like education as also health thereby affecting local development.
Further the seasonal nature of the tourism industry leads to economic issues for areas which are seriously dependent on it. The increased demand from tourists for basic services as well as goods could mostly lead to price hikes which could negatively impact the local residents whose income does not enhance in a proportionate manner. The development of the tourism industry and the increase in the demand for real estate which are being linked could bring about…. Negative Effects of Climate Change The weather patterns are changing all over the world and it has become one of the most debated issues across the globe with environmentalists having their concerns pertaining to global warming and its adverse effects on the environment in general. It is important for us to note here that scientists at NASA are doing extensive research on this issue and it has been proposed that the climate change is predicted to have harmful effects in some regions of the world; meanwhile the changes in the weather patterns will also have some beneficial effects in some other parts of the world.
However, the main focus of this paper will be on the harmful effects of climatic changes Cox et al. Current and Future Consequences The effects of global climate change on the environment of the world have already been observed by the scientists and environmentalists. Works cited Cox, Peter M. et al. Nature Randal Jackson, Amber Jenkins. Global Climate Change. Vitousek, Peter M. Ecology Writing doesnt have to be a chore. To prove it, heres a cause and effect essay example that gets down and dirty with a semi-controversial issue that polarizes a lot of people no pun intended : yes, were talking about climate change. This topic has been in the news for a good long while.
Topic Climate Change There have been movies made about it, conferences held about it, and many works of scholarly and not-so-scholarly literature written about it. So lets take a look at how to turn this subject into the main topic of a cause and effect essay. Well start off with a title, give you the hook, underline the thesis, and highlight some important parts for you to consider. Best of all, well show you how to have fun with your essay. Lets go! Outline I. Intro a. Hook b. Did climate change cause Harvey et al.? Globalization Does world trade make the world smaller by bringing people closer together? Or does it divide the globe by creating winners and losers through greater inequality?
Globalization is a complex phenomenon that is often misunderstood. Part of this trend deals with a movement toward more integrated economic and political systems. Yet, today's societies face both an internal and external political environment and socio-economic factors that are marked by unprecedented levels of bipolarization and inequality that have arguably reached new heights relative to any time in human history. Is important to note that globalization is not exactly a new phenomenon, but new developments in technology, more specifically relative to information technology IT , have allowed citizens of the world to communicate in real time and engage with virtually anyone else in the world.
International organizations have leveraged these new developments and much of globalization is driven by companies that operate internationally…. Works Cited Bekoe, D. Developing and Managing Congo's Natural Resources. The Dutch East Indies Company - The First Years. One-Quarter of World's Population Lacks Electricity. Structural Adjustment and Gender Access to Education in Nigeria. Gender and Education, 9 2 , Social Ecology of Health Promotion Module 05 Question explain the rationale behind the federal government's approach to regulatory containments in food. The federal government's approach in relation to the regulation of the containments in food, aims at protecting the consumers on food insecurity through elimination of food pathogens.
It is the role of the government to enhance the health system and conditions of its citizens through adoption and implementation of various rules and regulations in relation to the containments in food. The food supply of the United States integrates multi-faceted production system and delivery components. Some of the critical or essential components of this system include production, processing, preparing, packaging, labelling, distribution, and consumption of the food components Fortin, There is a risk in relation to the concept of each stage of the food supply system in the context of the United States. This makes it ideal for…. References Marco-Barba, J. Ostracod palaeolimnological analysis reveals drastic historical changes in salinity, eutrophication and biodiversity loss in a coastal Mediterranean lake.
Holocene, 23 4 , Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Y. Indirect facilitation promotes macrophyte survival and growth in freshwater ecosystems threatened by eutrophication. Journal Of Ecology, 2 , Riplett, L. Changes in amorphous silica sequestration with eutrophication of riverine impoundments. Biogeochemistry, , Gareca, E. Geology 1 Discuss which of the interrelationships between the environmental spheres, in your experience, has had the biggest effect on human society, or vice versa. Give some examples. The work of Manahan explains that there are four traditional environmental spheres including the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere and the biosphere. It is related however, that a fifth sphere should be included and that is the anthrosphere, which consists of "the things humans make and do.
The atmosphere serves a vital protective function in that it absorbs highly energetic ultraviolet radiation from the sun that would kill living organisms exposed to it. A specifically important aspect of the atmosphere is that the atmosphere serves a vital protective function in that it absorbs highly…. pdf Thomas, WA Meeting Challenges with Geologic Maps. AGI Environmental Awareness Series. pdf Choi, CQ Jupiter's Moon's Ocean May Be Too Acidic for Life. html Jovian Planets vs. Terrestrial Planets Buzzle. These effects would be unfairly harsh on developing nations, who had little to do with creating the problem; this is one of the reasons that recent international talks in Copenhagen have stalled WGW Not only would these countries not be able to develop as quickly and have healthier populations and more stable governments, but industrialized nations would also see negative economic impacts, making many wary of making any major transitions without a more certain analysis of the problem of global warming, and of a human cause behind it.
The Effects of Global Warming Even if global warming isn't real, or if human emissions aren't behind it, the possible consequences and tangential downsides to the continued release of carbon dioxide and an increase in global warming warrant taking steps to find cleaner fuels and sources of energy. Warmer temperatures would lead directly to more frequent and more violent storms and…. References Bryner, J. Accessed 13 December html Howden, D. Accessed 12 December html JunkScience The s the period when onald eagan was the U. President witnessed a series of government measures targeting environmental regulations. This resulted in public outrage against the anti-environmental policies of the government leading to a renewed interest in nature clubs and groups and the formation of radical groups who led strong movements to protect the environment.
vii the post- eagan resurgence s onwards - President Bush and President Clinton did not take the radical stance of their predecessor. However, President George W. Bush has taken many measures which have weakened the environmental movement instead of strengthening it. This includes opposing curbs on greenhouse emissions via the Kyoto Protocol, supporting oil drilling in the ANW or Arctic National Wildlife ange, weakening clean air standards and lifting the ban on logging in forests. Discuss the values of the dominant social paradigm…. References Bocking, Stephen. Nature's Experts: Science, Politics, and the Environment. Rutgers University Press. Palmer, Mike. Pathways of Nutrients in the Ecosystem - Pathways of elements in ecosystem. htm Redclift, M. R; Woodgate, Graham.
The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Edward Elgar Publishing, Schmidtz, David; Willott, Elizabeth. Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, what Really Works. Oxford University Press U. Warmer temperatures mean more energy in the climate system 1. Warmer oceans and air current mean more violent and frequent hurricanes 2. More frequent and harsher rainstorms may cause flooding B. Overall changes to weather patterns could be devastating 1. Ocean and air temperatures and current create weather 2. Effects of Global Warming: Melting Ice and ising Oceans A.
In addition to warming, ocean levels will rise 1. Melting ice sheets will cause higher oceans and flooding on continents 2. ising oceans destroy many coastal lands B. ising oceans and water levels will have severe regional effects on weather VIII. Effects of global Warming: Animals A. Many animals are already changing the regions they inhabit 1. As temperatures change, so do ecosystems, and shifting animal populations reflect this 2. Global warming trends…. The greenhouse effect is a condition that occurs when the Earth's atmosphere captures radiation from the Sun.
Solar heat is trapped by certain gases including carbon dioxide and methane. These gases allow sunlight in but not back out of the atmosphere. This effect can be seen on a small scale when a car parked in the sun with its windows closed heats up. Global warming is the relatively gradual increase in Earth's surface temperature that results from human activity. It has been set in motion by the greenhouse effect but is more complicated because there are feedback effects involved in climate change that magnify the initial effect of the build-up of gases such as carbon dioxide. Global warming has the capacity -- indeed, probably the inevitable capacity -- of transforming nearly every aspect of our lives, and in most ways for the worse Solomon etal, , p. Question Four…. References Brock, Claire The comet sweeper: Caroline Herschel's astronomical ambition.
London: Icon Books Ltd. Glantz, M, H. Currents of change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Harvey, F. From holistic geography to GIS. The professional geographer. They eat on ice and they give birth on ice. So if ice will disappear for a significant part of the year, these animals will be lost. The number of polar bears has already started to decrease and that is due to global warming. Scientists believe that although polar bears are great swimmers and they can swim for long distances, they drown because the number of ice sheets is becoming lower and lower. Another arctic animal that is affected by the global warming is the walrus.
Scientists discovered in summer of , in the Canada Basin, a number of lonely walrus caves. They were swimming alone, far away from shore. Until then, scientists did not see walrus calves swim so far away from the shore in the summer. But because of the ice melting and the warmer temperature they need to look for food far away and let their pups…. Reference: 1. climatechange 2. Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, Impacts of a Warming Arctic -- Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, Cambridge University Press, December 13, 3. Baker, Stuart, in the Artic, Marshall Cavendish, September 1, 4. These tiny particles are poison and damage the green effect. For the reason that they reflect solar energy back into space they have a preservation result on the world.
Ocean current is a problem because it has an effect on the greenhouse. Also, ocean currents are something that has been able to move vast amounts of all heat all over the planet. Also, winds are what push horizontally towards the sea surface and then also drive the ocean current patterns. There are as well interactions among the ocean and atmosphere can likewise create phenomena for instance El Nino which happens every 2 to 6 years. Graph 4 a low greenhouse gas emissions in the UK Earth orbital changes have an effect on the greenhouse management. The organization has been able to find out that earth makes one full orbit around the sun every year.
The earth is tilted at an…. References Baue, B. Threading the Needle: How BT Integrates Climate Stabilization with Economic Prosperity Economics. BT, BT Trace. Supply chains that flow. But the supply far outstrips demand, Europeans are finding. The climate of this marketplace itself is decidedly cloudy. Advance prices have plunged by half. At this point, one shouldn't portray it as a liquid, vibrant market," said Atle C. Christiansen of PointCarbon, a Norway-based research firm Climate, But even a functioning Kyoto agreement would have little impact: Its limited…. html rainforest accessed However, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions will demand some procedural decisions to be made that will surely entice unpredictable results. From the viewpoint of an outside management consultant who has been called in to advise top management on what to do, the first task will be the thorough investigation of the international framework seeking to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gasses.
Moreover, all steps to be taken in an effort to mitigate the impact of anthropogenic climate change solely on the basis of multilateral arrangements without infringing upon the rights of the self-governed must be itemized and better distinguished. This will lead us to a resolution on ways to diminish, lessen, and ultimately relieve the production of greenhouse gasses emitted by human activity. I would like to suggest that this is not possible without significant buy-in at the local levels; that citizens of developed countries must recognize the effort as non-zero-sum…. The measures could be introduced through the education of the population and the breaking of these regulations should be severely fined. A better recycling process - This would be supported by the selective garbage collection and would be compulsory to all organizations.
Breaking the regulations would be severely fined 3. Stopping deforestation - This must be done across the entire globe and national authorities must be the only ones to grant tree cutting rights and only after intense analyses. Also, new trees must be planted. Illegal deforestation should be punished with imprisonment 4. Modernizing the technologies used by the most polluting industries - these programs should be supported with government subsidies and the states refusing should be internationally trialed 5. educing the usage of resources - this could be achieved by better control and pollution systems and would also reduce the general levels of consumerism, also in the best…. References Connor, S. html, last accessed on March 12, , Expert: China Overtakes U. Ast accessed on March 12, The results of rising sea levels on human and animal populations could be catastrophic.
The gases that are primarily causing global warming include simple water vapor and carbon dioxide. To sustain life, some degree of a greenhouse effect is necessary or else most of the sun's warmth would be dissipated into space. The rapid increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere due to industrialization has, however, created an enhanced warming effect. Therefore, global warming is at least enhanced by human causes. Emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are exacerbating the earth's natural warming process. Solving the problems associated with climate change requires wholesale changes to the ways human beings produce goods on a large scale. Simply shutting off lights at night might help but the key remains in developing new technologies that reduce emissions at their greatest sources: factories and vehicles including automobiles and airplanes.
eferences National Oceanic…. References National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Retrieved May 26, at. Public International Law Memorandum for preparation for next year's negotiations for the Conference of the Parties COP President XI Jinping of China Preparation for next year's negotiations for the Conference of the Parties COP Climate Change - Carbon Emissions Climate change poses one of the most difficult questions to the world today. Cities continue to be the main contributors of this challenge. Most of the greenhouse gases are produced by industries, motorized conveyance, domestic fuel, and disposal of waste and are centered in and around cities. The IEA International Energy Agency foresees almost three fourths of the carbon emissions coming from urban centers by It then becomes imperative for the cities to take cognizance of the fact and react to lessen the effect.
Creating an inventory of the carbon footprint would then be the logical first step in the process of addressing the issue of climate change effectively. Bibliography Alvarez RA, Pacala SW, Winebrake JJ, Chameides WL, Hamburg SP. Greater focus needed on methane leakage from natural gas infrastructure. Hansen, James, et al. Heinberg R, Fridley D. The end of cheap coal. Nature, : , -- DOI: International Energy Agency. Global Warming: Why it is not the greatest fear of the industrializing world, why it is such a great fear for the industrialized world There is a threat that currently looms upon the horizon, in danger of choking the fragile health of the developing economies of the so-called Third World.
This threat is not the so-called global warming phenomena. The long ranging environmental results of the build up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere still remains unknown, and the data is far from conclusive. What is known by international economists is that the threat of global warming, as deployed as a kind of buzz word and media scare tactic of the environmentalist movement could impede the growth of industrialized nations and reduce the chance of Third World countries improving their living standards. Despite the words 'Trade not Aid,' as bandied about by corporations such as the Body Shop, there is…. Much oil is also used for heating, especially during winter. Therefore, new commitments toward researching, developing, and making available, on a large scale, alternative sources of heating must be made, and this time kept, as well.
Conclusion To try seriously, however, to identify and describe one core "solution" to oil dependency; that is both untested and would nevertheless work, in this author's opinion, is and especially given even the current extent of research and understanding into the gnarly depth of the problem and its myriad continuing causes not only a fruitless exercise, but extremely naive. Instead, the answer lies in not one solution but combinations of many: starting with will; and continuing perhaps indefinitely with persistence, patience, personal and public sacrifice; and a loss of national hedonism; self-centeredness; arrogance, and a sense of personal and national entitlement.
All of this, in combination, albeit gradually, could still, if the will were…. Works Cited Bush, George W. State of the Union Speech, January 31, December 3, Retrieved December 7, , from:. Hybrid Vehicle. Besides the fact that flooding destroys agricultural lands leading to a disruption of food supplies to millions of people, one also has to consider the social impact on areas where there are large population groups. This can lead to forced migration and often to refugee situations, with all the related negative social implications.