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Learning style essay

Learning style essay

University Of Iowa Library Catalog. ognitive Theory of Learning Introduction The cognitive theory of learning learning style essay been part of education since the late 's, when a Gestalt psychologist focused on the issue of Gestalt teaching and learning, and what that could offer to students who were not learning… Carton, J, learning style essay. Education Week Quality Counts Spafinder Discount Coupons For Haircuts. International journal of nursing education scholarship, 13 1 Education Course.

Essay On Learning Styles For You

While in the beginning they did not study how they learned they still accomplished many things. Now we study how we learn so that we can hopefully learn more efficiently to accomplish learning style essay beyond our wildest dreams. Today I took to learning style learning style essay in hopes of learning more about my learning style essay learning styles so that I may improve myself. Today in this essay we will explore learning styles that equate with a preferred bodily learning style essay through which one receives information. The three that are the most popular and explored are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Gaining knowledge about things that connect to the real world that we walk in everyday is of great interest to me.

In saying that, I chose to pursue a degree in Public Healthbecause it something I see every day and became very intrigued by. My chose to obtain a degree also came out of wanting to better myself and the people around me. A very important reason that I wanted to acquire my degree is so that I could be more financially capable to providing a comfortable life for my family. The two quizzes that I took today were the Felder and Soloman Quiz and the Learning Styles Quiz. They both gave me some good insight to how I learn and suggestions to help me learn more efficiently in any leaning environment. Order custom essay My Personal Learning Styles with free plagiarism report. The learning styles quiz focused on visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning style essay styles which made it very straight forward.

After taking this quiz the results showed me to be more of an auditory learner with sixty-four percent. As far as visual and kinesthetic learning both of the percentages were at eighteen percent so I definitely lean towards one method. As an auditory learner you prefer to learn by listening and often recall the words you've heard in your mind Penn State, This quiz brought to my attention that while taking a written test, learning style essay, I am slow because of speaking to myself as you read Penn State, The results of the quizzes that I took were very enlightening to me since I was of the belief that I really did not lean towards one learning style.

I especially like that it gives you helpful tips on how to learn better with the learning styles that you have. Taking the quizzes today helped me better understand my learning style which I know will help me down the line while trying to learn anything. Basically what this essay boils down to is everyone has different ways of learning whether it is auditory, learning style essay, sensing or reflective. Knowing how I learn can be a very helpful tool in my success to completely my degree. Taking a quiz to learn about my learning style proved to be very insightful into my tactics taken while studying. In the end knowledge is power and knowing how to pour it into your mind with understanding is priceless, learning style essay.

This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as learning style essay example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. My Personal Learning Styles. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Apr 11, Accessed January 7, comApr The process of educating one's self can be a difficult process. That is if you don't understand your habits and the way you learn and absorb information. Luckily in these. VAK theory is widely recognised by teachers - particularly those who recommend accelerated learning techniques - but the idea that we receive information via different modes has been around considerably.

Learning Styles and Personality Types in a Group Dynamic When working in a group environment, one will encounter different people who think, learn and act in different ways. In order. Learning Styles and the Most Preferred Teaching Methodology among Sophomore Nursing Students An Undergraduate Thesis Learning style essay To the Faculty of the Institute of Nursing Far Eastern University In Partial Fulfillment. VARK Analysis Grand Canyon University VARK Analysis VARK refers to a specific style of learning, visual, auditory, reading and writing and kinesthetic leaners. Student Learning Style Surveys Tracey Sullivan Grand Canyon University: SPE September 25, Introduction There are various meanings for learning styles.

Some researchers have found that learning styles are. There are around three main learning styles. These are visual, which include those who learn by watching and seeing; auditory and interpersonal, learning style essay, including those who learn by listening and discussing. Many people learn in different ways. Learning Styles are various approaches or ways of learning. There are three types of Learning Styles. People receive, process, learning style essay, and retain information by using. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible, learning style essay. PhD Essay Education Learning My Personal Learning Styles. Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs. get custom essay. Analyze the Learning Styles Essay. Essay type Personal. Learning Styles - VAK.

Learning Styles and Personality Types in a Group Dynamic. Learning Styles and the Most Preferred Teaching Methodology Among Sophomore Nursing Students. Vark: Educational Psychology and Learning Styles. Student Learning Styles, learning style essay. Three Main Learning Styles. Learning Styles in the Educational Environment. Similar Topics Photo Illiteracy Character Traits If I Had a Superpower Harvard My Choice Special Education My Advocacy Women Education About Me Motivation Appearance University Teaching My Dream Promises Manners Emotions Inequality in Education Graduation. Save time and let our verified experts help you. Hire writer.

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Garibaldi Ed. Washington, DC: National Education Association. Brophy, J. And C. Learning from Teaching: A Developmental Perspective. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Cannell, J. Nationally normed elementary achievement testing in America's public schools: How all fifty states are above the national average. Daniels, WV: Friends for Education. Learning Styles Inventory www. com measures seven dimensions of a person's learning preferences: visual spatial , aural auditory -- musical , verbal linguistic , physical kinesthetic , logical mathematical , social interpersonal , and solitary intrapersonal. This writer scored relatively high in the areas of logical, visual, verbal, and solitary preferences scoring the lowest on the musical scale.

What this means is the subject tends to favor traditional ways of learning, prefers to learn alone however, there was also a high score on the social scale , and does not prefer to use rhymes or musical -- type mnemonics or memory strategies as much. The Learning Styles Inventory is an interesting approach to understanding how a person attempts to approach learning and academics and would be…. References Gardner, H. Frames of mind. New York: Basic Books. Jones, P. Introducing neuroeducational research. Kaufman, A. IQ testing New York: Springer. The Learning Styles Inventory. Conversely there are the instructors who see in-class sessions as essential for the teaching of the most abstract, complex concepts. Bridging these two polarizing perspectives on how to successfully teach the most challenging material in a course is the need for defining scaffolding performance objectives by student to measure the effectiveness of distance learning personalized instruction Halttunen, The intermediating of these two extremes shows that for the most complex concepts in a statistics course were more effectively taught through scaffolding as distance learning tools allowed the students to continually review concepts they were not familiar with.

Scaffolding allowed for students to actively learn, fulfilling their need for autonomy in the learning process, in addition to giving them mastery over the presentation of concepts online as well Kartha, Combining autonomy, mastery and purpose Wilhelm, Sherrod, Walters, significantly increased long-term retention of statistical concepts as a result Kartha, References Kevin Cashman. Seven strategies for mastery of leadership from the inside out. Kai Halttunen. Scaffolding performance in IR instruction: exploring learning experiences and performance in two learning environments. Journal of Information Science, 29 5 , CP Kartha. Learning Business Statistics: Online vs Traditional.

The Business Review, Cambridge, 5 1 , Najjar, M. On Scaffolding Adaptive Teaching Prompts within Virtual Labs. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 6 2 , Teaching Methods In this question, I am using a task of assembling a several different kinds of components of a shelf that I recently purchased from Ikea. Inside the package, I found a chart with instructions for assembling different components of the shelf. With little difficulty, I was able to assemble the components of the shelf, even though it took me about an hour and half. By reading Howard Garder's multiple intelligence measure, I believe I am quite comfortable with logical-mathematical intelligence and spatial intelligence learning styles, since both of these styles were required in my assembly of the components of the shelf.

Logical-mathematical enables individuals to use and appreciate abstract relations; and spatial intelligence makes it possible for people to perceive visual or spatial information, to transform this information, and to recreate visual images from memory. Teaching the assembly of components of a shelf is difficult to comprehend through…. My Sequence score is 33, my Precise score is 35, my Technical score is 17, and my Confluent score is For example, someone tried to show me how a gadget worked and I tuned them out. However, I do appreciate the importance of sequential learning, scheduling, and methodology.

When I am given a set of instructions that I understand, I am willing to follow them as long as I understand the purpose of the methods. I can also be systematic in my approach, which is also why I scored high on the Sequence learning. My husband scored differently from me on the LCI, with almost opposite results from mine. Most notably, he uses technical learning first score of 33 , whereas I avoid it score of He uses precision only as needed score of 22 , whereas I use it first score of Although technically his sequence score is for using it as needed, he almost scored low enough on the sequential learning score 18 to avoid it.

I use sequence first score of The main similarity between my husband and me is with confluence; we scored the same both with a score of 25 , right on the cusp of using it first. Reflecting on our similarities and differences can shed light on our communications patterns. We both appreciate doing things our own way, even though we appreciate learning from other people. Finding common ground and harmony is important, which is probably why…. Parent Involvement Parent involvement is a critical component toward enhancing the learning and development of students, especially deaf and hard-of-hearing students. For deaf and hard-of-hearing students, involvement of their parents in the learning process is essential because of their unique learning needs and styles.

Parent involvement refers to active, continuous involvement of a primary caregiver or parent in the education of their children. Choosing the most effective style that relates to one's individual personality is very useful in terms of increasing one's learning strengths. I have personally found that in reality most people combine a number of learning styles in developing their unique approach to learning. From my perspective I have found that a combination of both imaginative and analytical learning styles best suits my needs. The emphasis in my approach is however on the imaginative style as I am more comfortable with a learning style that explores various sources and views of reality in a discursive and open-ended way. At the same time the more considered and careful analytical approach is also useful in that it tends to 'ground' one in reality.

eferences Durbin G. Learning Styles. mhtml www. References Durbin G. Making Sense of Learing Styles. School Administrator, 51, 8. Retrieved February 26, , from Questia database:. Learning Styles and Learning Practices In general, psychological theorists and educators acknowledge that learning occurs quite differently in different individuals. There are numerous theories about how people learn, and one of the most commonly used is Kolb's Learning Style Inventory LSI , that categorizes learning according to the following broad distinctions: Concrete Experience or considering things substantially the way they are presented; Abstract Conceptualization or considering things as ideas and theories that represent or incorporate what is represented; Active Experimentation or forming conclusions based on what is represented and conducting experiments to confirm those conclusions; and eflective Observation or determining….

References Akkoyunlu, B. A Study of Student's Perceptions in a Blended Learning Environment Based on Different Learning Styles. Chickering, A. Applying the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Naturally, visual learners do not enjoy reading books as auditory learners would, as written information is mostly processed in the mind's ears rather than by visualizing the text. Finally, a Kinesthetic or Tactile learner will predominantly learn information through touch and movement. In other words, kinesthetic learners would enjoy hands on laboratory session more than a routine class lecture.

They also like to simulate events to understand them better. Conner, pg 47] Advantages of Knowing the Learning Style Now that we have seen the domination of different modalities resulting in different learning styles among students, it is pertinent to understand the implications of such differences in context of their academic performance. Bibliography 1 Marcia L. Conner, 'Learn More Now: 10 Simple steps to Learning Better, Smarter and Faster', 2 Richard M. pdf 3 Donna Walker Tileston, 10 Best Teaching Practices: How Brain research, Learning Styles and Standards Define Teaching Competences', Published by Corwin Press.

Learning Styles The theory of Honey and Mumford, describes the styles and learning strategies. It incorporates much of the theory of Kolb's learning cycle, making it more intelligible. It is important to discuss these strategies with students. Marsick and atkins, p hile this allows the teacher to become aware of the need to vary their teaching because they do not exist in universal, it also allows learners to realize that everyone learns differently. So its dominant learning strategies can influence its working methods and student personnel can then optimize them. It may also become more self-confidence. Honey and Mumford take away from Kolb the idea of an experiential learning model in four stages they call: experience, the return on experience, drawing conclusions and planning.

aring and Evans, p According to them, each phase has specific behaviors and attitudes and is important to successfully complete the learning process itself. Works Cited Lam, Y. Marquardt, M. Action learning in action: Transforming problems and people for world- class organizational learning. Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Publishing, , pp Marsick, V. Demonstrating the value of an organization's learning culture: The Dimensions of Learning Organizations Questionnaire, Advances in Developing Human Resources, 5, pp Evans, C. And Graff, M. learning style assessment test on the Internet to see if they agreed with what I thought my learning style was.

The site was called the Learning Styles Online and the price was just right for me -- it was free. This report is a quick summary of the test results and my opinion if they were accurate or not. Learning styles are simply different approaches or ways of learning. Learning Styles Online, The sight was very informative in the sense that they also provided detailed explanations of the various learning styles and also insights into what each personnel style might strive to become when they grow up. To begin with, there are specific types of learning styles to further provide detail and insight into the subconscious.

The types of learners fall into three categories: Visual learners who learn through the visual aspects of sight and interpretation of body language…. References Learning Styles Online. Learning Styles Special Ed Standard eflective paper on student differences and learning style approaches This paper provides a brief overview of different learning styles and the types of accommodations teachers can make in the classroom Learning styles: An overview "Students learn in many ways -- by seeing and hearing; reflecting and acting; reasoning logically and intuitively; memorizing and visualizing and drawing analogies and building mathematical models; steadily and in fits and starts.

Teaching methods also vary. Some instructors lecture, others demonstrate or discuss; some focus on principles and others on applications; some emphasize memory and others understanding" Felder The idea of using multiple approaches to teaching the same material has become more and more popular as teachers are cognizant of the different learning styles students manifest. Some auditory learners may learn best through listening; students who are visual learners may learn best if the teacher uses graphs and…. References Felder, Richard M. Engineering Education, 78 7 , pdf Understanding different learning styles. On the same note, if my workplace involves physical labor, I won't quite be able to cope as well as some others.

I would rather sit down with some coworkers and work out what needs to be done than run around and figure it out as I go along. Theses assessments of my personal strengths and weaknesses beggars the question: How can I use this test to make me a better manager? The answer is obvious, work on my weaknesses. As a manager I will have to understand and work well with my coworkers, and in that department I am certainly competent. However in order to be a completely competent manager I'll have to learn to be physical, and more able to visualize plans and ideas. The answer to becoming more physical is an obvious one: learn to work with my hands.

On the workplace I'll have to be able…. For teachers of language and literacy, fine arts, and physical education this process is almost more important, as students probably come to these classes with pre-determined notions based on their learning styles. For instance, a student who is not a kinesthetic learner my frown on physical education. For this reason, teachers instructing in physical education should be sure to use a variety of visual, auditory, and other methods in conjunction with their physical instruction to engage all students. Some physical education teachers may do this through the inclusion of slide or light shows and music.

Even in the study of music, Locklear suggests that diverse learning styles can be used. In fact, she suggests that, "music class immersion can positively address many of the concerns educators share," including the incorporation of various learning styles. Furthermore, using music to teach literacy, as both disciplines are "symbolic" is one way…. Works Cited Locklear, S. Research-Based Justification for the Highline School District Elementary and Secondary School Music Problems. Retrieved February 12, , from New Horizons for Learning. htm Peng, L. Applying Learning Styles in Instructional Strategies. Retrieved February 12, , from the National University of Singapore. Community Colleges in America In and , a dozen major reports on the United States' schools were published.

All stressed the need for "excellence" in education. These reports are the subject of: Excellence in Education: Perspectives on Policy and Practice. The reports pertaining to higher education were published by The BusinessHigher Education Forum, and saw higher education as "unable to train skilled managers and technicians that they believed industry needed. The intuitive grasp of problems and…. Works Cited Altbach, Philip G. Kelly, and Lois Weis, eds. Excellence in Education: Perspectives on Policy and Practice. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, Baker, George A. A Handbook on the Community College in America: Its History, Mission, and Management.

Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, Diaz, David P. Miller, Richard I. Evaluating, Improving, and Judging Faculty Performance in Two-Year Colleges. Student Learning Styles riting to Learn -- Real orld Issues A university instructor that seeks to interest and motivate students through a lecture is sometimes on thin ice as far as keeping students' attention. Hence, it is incumbent on the alert contemporary instructor to present highly relevant material in a way that engages students while at the same time realizing there are vastly different learning styles. Still, the job of the instructor is to present information that helps the student develop skills in critical thinking -- and helps the student learn to solve problems.

There are many aspects to the vitally important environmental issue of climate change, and all aspects of this issue cry out for clarity. An instructor can create a worthy activity -- that informs while it stimulates -- from the various approaches to climate change. In this paper the emphasis on writing to learn assignments are relevant…. Works Cited Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Nilson, L. Teaching At Its Best. A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Learning Styles Based on Kolb's model of learning styles, I am a Diverger. This means that I am oriented towards reflective observation rather than active experimentation -- strongly in my case -- and I am also oriented slightly to concrete experience over abstract conceptualization.

The characteristics of the Diverger style of learning are that I perceive information concretely, but process reflectively. So I am imaginative, believe in my own experience and am an insight thinker Kolb, When I thought about how I would learn how to plant a rose garden, I guess the first thing is that I thought about it. I assume somebody more oriented towards active experimentation might just dive right in and start digging, figuring out the details as they go along. For me, I went straight for the Internet to get a list of things to do and a list of pitfalls to watch out….

References Kolb, D. Kolb's model of learning styles. LifeCircle Inc.. html No author. Kolb learning styles. Business Balls. Personal Learning Styles Learning Style After completing the VAK questionnaire, I have learned that out of the four types of learners, I have strong tendencies for three out of the four types. Furthermore, with a score very close to the first two categories, I am also a kinesthetic learner. Lastly, with the lowest score, I am an aural learner. Compared to how I perceive my own learning styles outside of this questionnaire, I mostly agree. I think I am mostly a visual and kinesthetic learner. I do learn by reading and writing, as well as aurally, but not as much. They are not so much my preference for learning, but I cannot deny that those aspects assist my understanding.

Some people are not the best at public speaking or giving instructions, and that is why I…. References: Advanology. The Visual-Spatial Learning Style. LangVid Language Training. Studying Style: Tactile-Kinesthetic Learners. The Study Gurus. Study Advice for Reading and Write Learners. Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified srategies for your learning style. Appraise how this will change your way of stuying, if any. In a paper , words , summarise your analysis of this exercise. include the following: 1. Provide a summary of your learning style.

List your preferred learning srategies. Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style. Appraise any changes you need to make in your study habits. Moreover, "learning takes place within and is influenced by the cultural context of the learner. Reflection he Pallapu research is limited. he research sample size is small and not diverse enough, as 21 of the 22 participants were female and all were Caucasian. However, the results suggest that learning styles vary even within an otherwise or seemingly homogenous population. he Pallapu research is important because it shows that gender and ethnicity are not necessarily the most important factors in learning. Although gender and ethnicity are important and may in some ways be correlated with learning styles, Pallapu shows that learning styles are independent of cultural background and gender.

Educators who assume that gender and ethnicity necessarily influence learning styles may be incorrect. In a homogenous classroom, teachers may be tempted to teach…. The Pallapu research also suggests that students should become more aware of their own learning styles. I would like to assess my students' learning styles before creating class materials. After doing so, I can let my students know what their learning styles are. This will help them not just in my classroom but in all their classes. For example, students who are aware that they are verbal learners will be encouraged to join study groups and write about what they learn in school. Students who are aware they are visual learners will be encouraged to incorporate materials that include visual elements like graphs.

According to Pallapu, visual learners perform better and earn better grades than verbal learners. This suggests that educators are not paying enough attention to what verbal learners need. Other learning styles may also need to be taken into account to create a more truly diverse classroom that helps all students achieve their highest potential. Pallapu, Prasanthi. Fall Individual Learning Style This report is a self-assessment and reflection of my personal learning style. The report assesses my strengths and opportunities for growth as well as creating an improvement strategy which is solely based on the results of my learning style assessment.

Through a free internet learning style web site, I discovered that my learning style is called Interpersonal Intelligence. The report will also provide some background on the various learning styles and provide a rough definition. Learning Styles Learning styles are the basic ways humans are programmed to best learn. There are various ways or styles of learning and each man, woman and child, has either one specific style or a combination of styles that help them acquire knowledge and experiences. This information is great for teachers and parents because if a child is actively engaged in the learning process they tend to feel more confident and therefore….

References Blackmore, Jessica. Pedagogy: Learning Styles. html Introduction. Following are Hofstede's four categories and what they measure: Power Distance PD is the "extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally" Hofstede with a small PD meaning more equality in the society, and a large PD meaning less. Individualism ID defines whether the society expects people to look after themselves or not. Its opposite is Collectivism, which Hofstede defines as "the extent to which people in a society from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, which throughout people's lifetime continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty.

High MA means men are supposed to be "assertive, tough, and focused on material success; women are supposed to be more modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life" Hofstede References Al-Mekhalfi, A. Instructional media for teachers' preparation. International Journal of Instructional Media, 28 2 , Arab World Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions. shtml Australia. Retrieved January 29, at. The same applies if I am watching an instructional video. For example, I could think of examples as I watch the video, with this making the process tactile.

In my own time, I could convert my examples into a speech on the subject. Again, this would mean that I am utilizing all three of my styles and learning as effectively as possible. There is also an opportunity to improve the way I study by utilizing all three of my learning styles. The challenge is to find ways of learning and studying that use all three styles. For example, I could study with a partner and use discussion to make the process auditory. I could also complete practical projects related to the subject with a study partner, which would make the process tactile. Finally, if the project has a visual component, this will also make the process visual and will mean…. References Dryden, G.

The learning revolution. Network Educational Press Ltd. Gross, R. Peak learning. New York: Penguin. Sarasin, L. Learning style perspectives: Impact in the classroom. Madison, WI: Atwood Publishing. Sims, R. The importance of learning styles: Understanding the implications for learning, course design, and education. Tactile learning style is a style that involves learning by touching or doing things. Tactile learners may find it easier to make a model rather than just read or look at the book. Tactile learners prefer touching the information by being creative. I feel that I am mainly a visual learner.

In many of my classes, especially math and science, I need a textbook in order to follow along. It is easier for me to learn by seeing examples written clearly and step-by-step, rather than to hear an instructor tell me each step. I also study by writing out notes or making study cards. It's harder for me to learn by listening only because my mind often wanders and I don't pay attention. It is also harder for me to learn through experimentation because I get bored and I don't finish the project. Along with learning styles is multiple intelligence. There are eight different forms of various intelligence, all somehow tied into at least one of the three main learning styles.

The eight bits of intelligence are Continue reading this essay Continue reading. While in the beginning they did not study how they learned they still accomplished many things. Now we study how we learn so that we can hopefully learn more efficiently to accomplish things beyond our wildest dreams. Today I took to learning style quizzes in hopes of learning more about my personal learning styles so that I may improve myself. Today in this essay we will explore learning styles that equate with a preferred bodily sense through which one receives information. The three that are the most popular and explored are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Gaining knowledge about things that connect to the real world that we walk in everyday is of great interest to me. In saying that, I chose to pursue a degree in Public Health , because it something I see every day and became very intrigued by.

My chose to obtain a degree also came out of wanting to better myself and the people around me. A very important reason that I wanted to acquire my degree is so that I could be more financially capable to providing a comfortable life for my family. The two quizzes that I took today were the Felder and Soloman Quiz and the Learning Styles Quiz. They both gave me some good insight to how I learn and suggestions to help me learn more efficiently in any leaning environment. Order custom essay My Personal Learning Styles with free plagiarism report. The learning styles quiz focused on visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles which made it very straight forward. After taking this quiz the results showed me to be more of an auditory learner with sixty-four percent.

As far as visual and kinesthetic learning both of the percentages were at eighteen percent so I definitely lean towards one method. As an auditory learner you prefer to learn by listening and often recall the words you've heard in your mind Penn State, This quiz brought to my attention that while taking a written test, I am slow because of speaking to myself as you read Penn State, The results of the quizzes that I took were very enlightening to me since I was of the belief that I really did not lean towards one learning style.

I especially like that it gives you helpful tips on how to learn better with the learning styles that you have. Taking the quizzes today helped me better understand my learning style which I know will help me down the line while trying to learn anything. Basically what this essay boils down to is everyone has different ways of learning whether it is auditory, sensing or reflective.

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