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Essay on rap music

Essay on rap music

Language Instinct How Are the Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Regardless of the previous exposure or culture, individuals can watch or listen to a song and detect whether a song contains happiness, fear and sadness. Music There is an old cliche that contemporary music, especially popular music, is without lasting significance or quality. Although most individuals involved in the industry…. Los Angeles: Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA, essay on rap music, n. No matter how great the musician, music is always the expression of an entire culture, of a moment in history, of a particular place essay on rap music time. This essay is not unique.

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Home — Essay Samples — Entertainment — Rap Music — The History and Evolution of Rap Music. Any subject. Any type of essay. Since coming to America on slave ships, essay on rap music, black people have always had outlets of song and various forms of music through which to express the incessant burden given to them by the color of the skin. It started out with spoken word artists, such as Gil-Scott Heron, who would speak, occasionally in verse, over a beat. Eventually the words adapted to the beats and the power of word and music became synchronized like never before. While this form of music originated within African-American culture, many foreign countries began to take notice of its early popularity and quickly integrated rap and hip hop into their musical cultures.

This holds true in most cases, specifically with most privileged white Americans. However, I argue Rap and hip-hop not only functions as an outlet for struggle and oppression for simply being black; in other international cultures, rap and hip-hop grants the ability for any discriminated class of people to express themselves and let their voice be heard. Specifically, the integration of rap and hip-hop in European cultures exemplify how the genre acts as an outlet for any underprivileged demographic and not exclusively for black people. In October ofa French newspaper titled Libération ran a series of articles about various New York rappers and their lifestyles.

The group is known today as the first example of French rap and hip-hop Prévos Meanwhile in the northern urban areas of Paris, rap and breakdancing had already been essay on rap music and spread widely throughout these urban areas, essay on rap music. Rap and hip-hop became a fundamental part of culture in these urban, poor, unsupported areas, just as it did in American ghettos for the black community. Essay on rap music rap certainly arrived in France in forms of cultural appropriation, it really began to gain velocity and power from the underprivileged youth living in communities similar to communities of rappers In America.

The new rap artists closely resembled their American counterparts like rap group NWA. The contents of the lyrics involved a lot of anti-establishment prose, in that most rappers spoke on the discrimination they faced, both socially and systemically. These urban rappers expressed the hardships of their everyday living situations to the public through their new art Prévos The song describes the hardships dealing with violence and crime on essay on rap music average day in Paris ghetto. The urban French rappers were separated essay on rap music more than just wealth and socioeconomic class though. Rap and hip-hop was becoming a power to be accessed by the French black community as well, essay on rap music.

This happened because large portions of the black community were Arabs who had emigrated from North Africa Knox The oppression the Arab minorities faced became a popular subject in rap lyrics. Throughout Europe, in fact, rap and hip-hop continued to speak for marginalized groups. The implementation of hip-hop and rap into the culture of Turkish youths in Germany further shows how much the power of the genre transcends black communities alone. In the middle of the twentieth century, many Turkish people began to immigrate to Germany for work. The Turkish immigrants were met with absolute alienation due to cultural and linguistic barriers.

German society did not seem to have much patience for the Turkish assimilation process. Over the next essay on rap music decades, the Turkish community began to settle in in Germany but lived at a disadvantage. In addition to the emotional and physical pain experienced by being treated as second-class citizens, the Turkish people had minimal exposure to decent education even though many struggled with illiteracy. The third generation of Turkish immigrants, in particular, all born in Germany by this point, struggled with employment opportunities because many of their parents did not finish school. It was this generation of Turkish people, people who were born into an alienating country and who were disconnected from their native culture, that brought rap and hip hop to Germany Ickstadt This new art form that arose in Germany did not stray far in message or intention as it did in France or the United Essay on rap music. The Turkish-German rap often spoke out on the social discrimination and stereotyping of Turkish-German youth.

Furthermore, once the hip-hop scene was established in Germany, many rappers worked to encourage many Turkish youth to stay off the streets and work hard in school Ickstadt I, The Daily Show, Sep Consequently, privileged people who try to take part in the genre but have had essay on rap music societal hardships to endure lack authenticity in their performance and thus appropriate hip-hop culture in that instance. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique.

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Get essay help. Related Essays The Negative Culture of Contemporary Music Essay. The Immorality and Discrimination in the Lyrics of Rap Music Essay, essay on rap music. Misogyny in the Lyrics of Rap Music Essay. Robert Bryson Hall's biography Essay. Discovering the Main Focuses of Gansta Rap: The African American Injustices and the Rodney King Trial Essay. The Evolution of Rap Music in the World Essay. History of Hip Hop Music Essay. Find Free Essays We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. Cite this Essay To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver The History and Evolution of Rap Music.

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Jackson-Brown, I. Developments in black gospel performance and scholarship. Music on Teens Actions In the past 40 years all kinds of music has turned out to be more and more overt predominantly towards the negative side like sex, drugs, aggression and violence. Lately two of the genres which have caught great attention is hard rock music and rap music. In most of the cases, the lyrics of the music are made in such a way that they induce negativity in the developing minds of the teenagers. This negativity is reflected in their actions in the form of drug abuse, aggression, violence, sex and rebellious actions towards parents, family, family and society in general.

This kind of negative music is a major concern these days because it poses mental and physical threat to the teens of today. Some of the other alarming effects of such music are pregnancy, STDs, accidents, killing and this has resulted to be the normal lifestyle…. Works Cited Burns, Kate. The American Teenager: Examining Pop Culture. Annotated Edition. Publisher Greenhaven Press, ISBN , , pg Connell, J. Sound tracks: Popular music, identity and place. London: Routledge. Pg Hawkins, S. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing. Martino, S. Exposure to degrading vs. non-degrading music lyrics and sexual behavior among youth.

Pediatrics, , , -- Music on Brain and Emotions The Effect of Music on the Brain and Emotions The study of human's mental state on subjection to music has been a research subject to many with interest. Over the past decade, interconnection between human's physical and mental strength and music has been subject to research with a number of positive outcomes. These research endeavors suggest that music exhibits the healing power in certain elements, in a human's life. A sample of music with the best or strongest healing power is the Indian music. What music does is that it injects a calming effect into a human's mind. This speeds recovery-time of certain health ailments. Music positively effects the human's hormone system allowing easy brain concentration and information assimilation Adalarasu, K.

et al. This means that music boosts the learning process thereby augmenting cognitive skills. This paper outlines a brief overview of the various…. References Adalarasu, K. A Review on Influence of Music on Brain Activity Using Signal Processing and Imaging System. Figueiredo P, Pereira CS, Castro SL, Teixeira J, Figueiredo P, Xavier J, et al. Music and Emotions in the Brain: Familiarity Matters. PLoS ONE 6 11 : e A Neuroscientific Perspective on Music Therapy. Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences, music of the Twentieth entury. Specifically, it will compare music of the Twentieth entury to the music of a previous period, and include information about the significance of composers in society, the role of music in the societal landscape, and the evolution of musical forms through the centuries.

Twentieth entury music embodies so many different forms and types that it is difficult to lump it together under one heading. In the United States, the Twentieth entury brought music listeners everything from Gershwin to rap and blues to headbanging. Just as America is a rich cultural melting pot, her music is just as rich and varied, and this is nowhere more evident than in the Twentieth entury. At the turn of the Twentieth entury, most of America listened to opera and classical music - much of it from some of Europe's most famous composers of the previous centuries, such as Bach,…. Composers have always been revered by society, and the part they play in the social fabric of a time is incredibly significant.

The music of Copland and Gershwin embodies an age in American culture, just as the music of Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman embodies another time and place. Good composers can "feel" the time and place, and create music that embodies the spirit of the country and the people. This was never more evident than after the terrorist attacks of September 11, , when people suddenly wanted to hear patriotic melodies, and several composers complied by writing touching tributes to America and the victims of the attacks. Composers have always created music that spoke of the people and the times, and as such, they are mirrors of society, and change in society. Jazz came about because the lifestyle of the people was changing, and they needed music that reflected these changes.

Rap came about for the same reason, and so did rock and roll. All of these forms of music came about at the right time. Composers recognized the societal changes, and were not afraid to change with them. Music can touch a place in a person's soul, and this is another reason composers who can feel what the people are feeling are so important. Music is woven into the fabric of our lives. We marry to special music, are buried with special music, and remember certain music of the past by the memories it evokes. Music, and the people who write it, are a vital part of society at every level, and at every stage in a person's life.

We tend to look back at the music of our youth with fondness, which is one reason music of the past can sometimes resurge, such as the current cult popularity of swing bands, such as Big Bad Voo Doo Daddies, Manhattan Transfer, and the Brian Setzer Orchestra. In conclusion, music has always evolved and changed how we listen to it. One critic said, "Reviewing the popular music of the twentieth century as a whole, most people would probably agree that some of it is excellent, some unbearable, and most of it very indifferent" Van der Merwe 3. This continues to be the case. Music Misconception is a false belief system; an erroneous cognitive construct that leads to a dysfunctional worldview and potentially destructive behavior.

In possession of a misconception, a person develops a warped sense of identity and a distorted vision of reality. The media is especially brilliant at crafting stories that create misconceptions in the minds of the public and its consumer sheep, simply by creating a legend or a myth that influences consumer behavior and social norms. Music can be a media tool to create the misconceptions that shape American social norms and consumer behavior. Most music has the potential to uplift, inspire, and enliven our community; yet some forms of music are having the exact opposite effect, and that negative impact is felt most by young and impressionable consumers.

The negative impact can be referred to as misconception. ith regards to music, the wrong types of music can leave deep…. Works Cited Crouch, Stanley. Ferrell, Monique. Music eport Archaeological finds show that prehistoric man had already played music. Music and dance are the humans' most natural and original forms of expression. Berendt said of modern generations: "Nada brahma - all is sound," in nature. Stones, bones, pieces of wood, hollow vessels and cups make sounds when pushed, beaten or rubbed together. Stretched hides bang, the buzz of the arrow whizzing off the bow can be imitated with fingers and the murmuring, roaring and whistling of the wind can be caught in reeds, bone pipes or hollow branches.

Today, numerous types of different forms of music are played across the world. Because humans are so diverse, it comes as no surprise that people like different types of music. For example, there are many adults, many of them older, who do not particularly appreciate hip hop and rap. Part of this has to do with the slang language,…. References Cited Berendt, J. Nada Brahma. The world is sound. Rowohlt, Reinbek, Christenson, P. And Roberts, D. New Jersey: Hampton Press, Freidan, Gregory. Liske, Kenneth L. Since the valuation of a God had been essentially devaluated, what was to be the source of revaluation in the modern world?

No answer could satisfy Ives, for his society saw no return to the societal standards and beliefs of the age of Bach, which gave explicit valuation to all things, especially music -- as seen in Bach's mastering of counterpoint. Schoenberg's inverted counterpoint is the antithesis of that old world Germanic culture -- and it is no surprise that Schoenberg settled in America -- all things being equal, and, in a sense, equally meaningless. Notes and attitudes shifted without…. Works Cited Barker, Dan. Heiner, Stephen. Interview with Bp. Because of the enormous popularity of Snoop Doggy Dogg's "Gin and Juice" single, the proposed video will be based on a similarly styled rhythm and blues-based hip-hop song entitled "The Power of Youth.

Vocals will include a choral background and familiar song structure that will grab young listeners and include all demographics. Instead of gangsta rap lyrics, the lyrics of "The Power of Youth" will concentrate on life on the streets, poverty, gender inequity, and other issues relevant in the upcoming election. Visuals used in the music video will parallel the lyrics and theme. Instead of scantily clad ladies, ordinary women will be featured to promote Barack Obama as president. Skillful editing will interject footage of Barack Obama working in Chicago with disenfranchised African-Americans into the music video.

Revealing the roots of…. Even the lyrics, which nonetheless maintain the same kind of bubblegum-angst present in nearly any widely successful "alternative" band, manage to surprise simply by the fact that the band seems to have gained a wider vocabulary, both in terms of individual words and the metaphors used. Following the release of A Thousand Suns, Linkin Park has, as it did previously, focused on charity work alongside the writing of the next album a promotional tour. Most recently, the band has played benefit concerts for victims of the earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent nuclear fallout which hit Japan earlier this year, with the first being in Los Angeles alongside the band B'z,….

Works Cited Anonymous. com, There is more to it than meets the eye or ear , and repeated listenings make that even more apparent. Great music also depends on great performances, and that is another reason to listen to it more than once. Each artist interprets music a bit differently, and so, no performance will be exactly alike. This is true of all types of music, even classical. Even though the scores are the same, each musician, director, and arranger sees the work differently, and adds a bit of their own interpretation or personality into the piece. Thus, the same song sung decades ago by the Beach Boys does not sound like the same song today sung by a young rap or hip hop artist.

Do these theories apply to pop music, as well? In many aspects, yes, they do. There are certainly many songs in pop music that are complex and detailed, with different…. References Features to Listen for in Classical Music. The sex act is openly portrayed as being about the body and the availability of the body, and the use of neuter pronouns heightens its alleged objectivity and divorces it from personal significance Crossley For example, lyrics in Snoop Dogg's "Bring it on," include, "I'm qualified to knock a hoe, "Got it cracking with my hoe" Crossley Gangsta rap music is essentially the vocalization of sentiments that have lived long within the political environment of the African-American community.

To feel empowered, African-American males attempt to keep women subordinate. orks Cited Cheney, Charise. In search of the "revolutionary generation": en gendering the golden age of rap nationalism. The Journal of African-American…. Works Cited Cheney, Charise. The Journal of African-American History. Retrieved December 17, from HighBeam Research Library. Crossley, Scott. Metaphorical conceptions in hip-hop music. African-American Review. Retrieved December 17, from HighBeam. Anthology of Rap by Adam radley and Andrew Duois sets out to illustrate how rap can be analyzed from a literary standpoint, and traces the development of the genre from the late s to contemporary interpretations of the genre. Throughout the book, radley and Duois offer interesting insights into how the music movement developed and evolved, and while they provide some insight into the development of the genre as a movement, they overlook significant factors that influenced rap.

In the introduction, The Anthology of Rap establishes that it will focus primarily on rap as poetry, yet the focus frequently shifts to other influencers. The book's introduction is full of promise and offers a definition of rap that allows the rapper to be considered a poet and helps to create a distinction between rap and the overarching genre of hip hop. KRS-One states, "Rap music is something we do, but hip…. Bradley and DuBois's discussion of the Golden Age of rap ends on a low note because of its complete disregard for the role that women played during this time. The authors simply mention, "Whereas before, the best female lyricists crafted lyrics that were indistinguishable in essence from those of their distinguished male counterparts, figures such as MC Lyte, Roxanne Shante, Salt-N-Pepa, and Queen Latifah began to speak on themes provoked by a sense of gender disparity and the untapped power of women" Bradley and DuBois ignore women's roles in rap throughout The Anthology of Rap, and while they mentioned that women rappers at this time wrote lyrics that were initially indistinguishable from their male counterparts, the authors do not elaborate nor explain how these women were affected by rap's evolution or how they contributed to rap as poetry.

Throughout the book, Bradley and DuBois place focus on one singular female, M. And praise the impact she had on American hip hop, specifically citing her song "Paper Planes," which is heavily influenced by The Clash's song "Straight to Hell," which Bradley and DuBois do not cite nor recognize in applauding M. While The Anthology of Rap sets out to demonstrate the influence that rap had on society and argues rap lyrics should be considered works of art, much like poetry, the book's structure and focus progressively unravel as it traces rap's roots in the s to hip hop's "death" in the new millennium. Bradley and DuBois have worked to create a distinction between rap and hip hop throughout the entire anthology, yet the last section "New Millennium Rap" appears to focus solely on hip hop.

Furthermore, as the book progressed, they began to focus less and less on rap as poetry and instead transitioned into providing a brief explanation of how rap as a genre transitioned from something that was underground to something that was commercial. Furthermore, Bradley and DuBois place too much emphasis on music business in the later half of the book, completely voiding their claim that they seek to bring attention to rap as poetry. Overall, The Anthology of Rap succeeds at presenting a collection of rap lyrics, however, its point-of-view is severely skewed, focusing mostly on the contributions of men with no more than 25 or so lyrical inclusions of rap by women.

Additionally, the shifting focus in each of the major sections detracts from the purpose of the book. While the book begins by stating it will focus on rap as poetry, it begins to focus on individuals, society, and the music business soon thereafter. By the end of the book, the focus is no longer on rap, but on hip hop, which Bradley and DuBois defined as being two separate concepts. The book's deviating focus and the ignorance of women's contributions to rap cause a potentially great book to fall short. Ethnic Music Humanities a Origin and Development of Traditional and Contemporary Ethnic Music My personal experience in learning this subtopic reveals to me that music is a global cultural practice found in every known culture, both in the past and present, but with a wide variation with regards to time and place of practicing it.

Since every ethnic group around the world, including some of the most secluded tribal groups, depicts their own forms of musical practices, I conclude that music might have been present among the ancestral populations prior to the dispersion of human populations around the world. This confirms that music must have been existing and evolving into different forms for over 50, years, and the first music might had been invented in Africa, which is regarded as the cradle of humankind. Then the music evolved through diverse parts of the world during human dispersion to become the…. Music There is an old cliche that contemporary music, especially popular music, is without lasting significance or quality.

The truth is just the opposite. Contemporary music is extremely creative, and employs a wide range of styles and draws on many traditions around the world. In fact, contemporary composers and singers encompass all the known traditions and rich styles of the past, in both western and eastern cultures, in mainstream society as well as indigenous groups. Contemporary music can be rock and roll, rap, classical, gospel, jazz, country western, or world music music of other cultures. So how…. Bibliography Dylan, Bob. Lyrics Dylan, Bob and Ellison, James. Younger Than That Now: The Collected Interviews With Bob Dylan Thunders Mouth Press Grout, Donald J.

And Palisca, Claude. A History of Western Music, 6th Edition. Kostka, Stefan. Tonal Harmony, With an Introduction to 20th Century Music. Music Videos Promotional Devices or Products in Themselves Music Videos: Promotional Device or Separate Product? Music videos are constructed in many different ways, but many of them involve the artist and others singing and dancing to specific songs. Some also tell stories or provide other background dealings that make the music video much like a television program. An example of this would be Michael Jackson's 'Thriller,' which was a very long video that involved much storytelling and other information as opposed to just the song.

Some of these story type videos are still done today but this seems to be more popular in country music that it does in rock-and-roll. No matter what genre is dealt with, however, the debate as to whether music videos are promotional devices or a separate product in and of themselves has been continuing for many years. In music television first began broadcasting music…. Marino Related to the above is the view that the origins and history of the development of Rap music are strongly related to the resistance to various forms of colonialism and oppression that Black people have experienced and which has shaped the style and form of Rap music. This also refers to ideological and colonial hegemonies and perceived racial and cultural prejudice that has been a major motivating force in this form of artistic expression.

This can be linked to theories of ideological hegemony that are seen as pivotal aspect in the development of Black consciousness and consequently in the musical expression of that consciousness. According to theorists like Gramsci, ideological hegemony functions by control and domination not only through force but also through cultural forms of persuasion. In other words, the best way to achieve control over a subordinate group is by " means of cultural domination among all sectors…. Works Cited KEYES C. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. A www. MTV Raps was also a great venue for up and coming rap legends to showcase their work to their world through performances. Audiences around the world were exposed to a new type of raw creativity in rap music, one which took the music industry by storm.

MTV Raps was a huge first for the network; it was the first show dedicated one hundred percent to rap and hip hop, an emerging art form in American popular music that had not yet found acceptance within the larger body of society. Major name artists saw their career explode alongside the publicity they were getting from the show and the movement it was inspiring within pop culture. Huge names in the rap industry were seen before they really made it big and when they had a definite hold over the lure of pop culture in the United States. The series was…. Morgan, why is misogyny expressed in rap music? In what ways do you support her point-of-view, in what ways do you disagree?

Be specific. Give examples from research, experience AND the readings to support your points. The controversial 'hip-hop' feminist Joan Morgan states that: "we are all winners when space exists for brothers to honestly state and explore the roots of their pain, and subsequently their misogyny, sans judgment" Morgan 9. However, she also writes that it is vital and essential to view both black men and women as 'winners' when oppression is lifted from female shoulders. The solution is not banning rap music, rather it is to understand that rap is an expression of the pain felt by African-Americans and the mask that men wear to hide their frustrations Morgan She states that black women must love black men "for who they are," not who they want them….

Works Cited Morgan, Joan. When chickenheads come home to roost. htm Wilson, Jocelyn. Marketing Music on Social Media Sites Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others have grown exponentially over the past few years. One of the entertainment genres that has benefited mightily from social media is music, rap, rock, hip-hop, country, and even classical music. This paper explores and analyzes how musicians and groups have exploited social media in their marketing strategies. Key Reasons Music Marketing Thrives on Social Media Social Media has carved out an enormous presence in the contemporary entertainment and information scene in the United States.

Also, as an indication of how extraordinarily fast Facebook has grown, in just eight months the giant social media company went…. Bibliography Associated Press, , 'Coldplay to livestream Madrid concert on YouTube on Oct. Hernandez, Brian Anthony, , 'How Lady Gaga Created a Web Marketing Spectacle for Born This Way', Mashable. Martell, Dan, , 'How Six Hip Hop Artists Use Social Media', Flowtown. In some circles, these would be referred to as 'race records. Over the years, this would come to serve as a Billboard Chart classification for forms such as Soul, Funk, Disco and many modes of Hip Hop. Particularly in the type of…. female rappers talking sexually explicitly raps degrading act empowerment?

Female rappers and how they affect society The rap industry has generated much controversy in the recent decades, most debates emerging because critics consider some lyrics to be offensive and discriminatory to particular groups. It would be absurd to claim that society remains unaffected as a result of being subjected to lyrics that contain explicit inequitable expressions. Individuals who come up with these lyrics apparently share no interest in the consequences their music leaves on the world. Although it is difficult to identify the exact people who are harmed by offensive language heard in rap music, surveys and personal opinions are more than explanatory in regard to the overall state of affairs.

Although most individuals involved in the industry…. Works cited: 1. Blyth, Myrna. MARTIN'S PRESS. Campbell, Kermit Ernest. Morgan, Joan. Paasonen, Susanna; Nikunen, Kaarina; Saarenmaa, Laura. music is not always a vehicle for political or social commentary, it has become increasingly more so in the past several generations. Music serves often as a vehicle for community and cultural self-expression, or as a means to communicate social and political ideals as with the spirituals and blues songs of African-Americans bemoaning slavery and racism. Since the s, however, music and its lyrical component has become a means by which to understand the zeitgeist of the historical epoch.

Music in the s was often directly and overtly political, particularly the songs of American folk musicians like Bob Dylan. It is almost easier to single out songs from the late s that did not have political overtones versus those that did, because there were so many artists who used music to convey political messages. One of the most notable such songs is John Lennon's "Give Peace a Chance. References Britton, L. Times they are a changin': Indie's apathy v pops political pursuit. The Guardian. Lady Gaga: Performer, persona, and political advocate.

Music has always been a tuneful force for political change. New York Daily News. Hip-hop in politics. ABC News. Music and Why People Listen to It The study on what music people listen to and why is interesting to me because music tells us a lot about ourselves and it also is a powerful tool for development too. Therefore, a study about what particular music people gravitate towards can not only reveal an underlying aspect to that individual's personality but also an underlying aspect of the culture in which that individual is situated. Because music is an art form and art is said to act as a mirror in that it reflects the world around it , the music with which people identify and the sounds that they prefer can tell researchers a lot about the culture, environment, and personalities of our day and age.

This study could be the basis of a comprehensive assessment of a time and place that extends beyond the sample size of the study and…. References Brown, S. What music do you listen to and why? University of Edinburgh. Kyrizidis, T. Notes on the History of Schizophrenia. German Journal of Psychiatry, 8: What we can tell is that it will come in the packaging of a self-published, self-directed, interactive collection just like an ebook! While many people believe that Guitar Hero brought rock and roll into the digital era, the case can be made that it did as much damage as good. It turned many people on to a sense of simulating the music of the leaders of rock and….

Parker, J. The Atlantic. Latin Music Many are unaware that in the United States today, people are blessed with a variety of Spanish-language and other Latin American cultures that are in the midst -- which were brought to the country by individuals from numerous different parts of the hemisphere. In attempting to understand and appreciate these cultures, we can learn much from their music Mexican-American music is something that has high regards in their culture. Over the years it has been expanded crossing over into many cultures ith that said, this essay is intended to analyze the many methods and styles of music and musical cultures that have been able to make their way into the United States from Latin American nations.

Origins Surprisingly, Latin American music is a subject where there has not been a lot written about it. There is very little research on Latin music perhaps because many are not interested. Works Cited Gonzalez, J. Loza, Steven. Barrio Rhythm: Mexican-American Music in Los Angeles. University of Illinois Press, Moehn, F. Popular Music and Identity Sound Clash-Popular Music and American Culture Identifying through music is fantastic and creates social movements. People find music to be liberating, relaxing, and calming. Identifying oneself through music a person is able to have direct experiences in their body. This allows a person to place them self in an imaginary cultural narrative. Popular music has been analyzed as though it is a classical composition, which makes the analysts neglect the improvisational and performative aspects of popular music.

Analyzing how audiences respond to popular music and how they identify with this kind of music is vital. This would allow people to better understand how different people identify with certain popular songs. Theodor Adorno viewed popular music as a culture industry, which is designed to appeal to society by creating a false need for entertainment. Simon Frith views popular music as a complex world where that values and…. References Adorno, Theodor W, and George Simpson. On Popular Music. Institute of Social Research, Frith, Simon. Hill, S. Media and Cultural Theory. London: Bookboon. The video's director explains that the intention was not to create racy content for its own sake, but rather that "the process was to express Lady Gaga's desire to reveal her heart and bear her soul" Kreps.

The provocative imagery thus serves to challenge the viewer over whether the video expresses bad taste or high art. Equally important to lyrics are Gaga's overall image and the discussion she generates over her interests, including avant-garde fashion and gay rights. She is known for being scantily-clad; one magazine called her appearance "bizarre," stating that her style of dress is "archly futuristic…reveals a lot of skin but is never sexy" Callahan and Stewart. The conflict inherent in her blatant sexuality also arises when one considers the discussion that her gender once generated, as "Is Lady Gaga a man? com's thirdmost-asked question of " Juzwiak. Ever the provocateur, Lady Gaga addressed the question…. Works Cited Alejandro. Steven Klein. Lady Gaga. Callahan, Maureen, and Sara Stewart.

This, along with the older Psalter by trenhold and Hopkins, was the main influence of the Bay Psalm Book printed during in Massachusetts. This can be compared with the first musical influences on and compositions by Li Jinhui. The traditional forms were explored thoroughly before new ideas in music were explored. Culturally, the new Americans at the time were deeply religious, following the Puritan tradition on which they based their way of life. Their music therefore reflected this tradition, and the earliest genres were mainly religious in nature. As such, the musical format was unaccompanied by musical instruments, as these were viewed as secular and therefore sinful. The same type of division can be seen in the later genres of Asian music, where Cantopop began to lose its popularity in the face of new and more trendy developments.

In contrast, however, the Chinese does not have as clear a…. Sources Faigin, Tom. html Wikipedia. social poblem of using and selling dugs is potayed in music. I'm inteested in studying this because music has at once been accused of gloifying dug cultue and also as being one of the few means of allowing uses to vent on the ealities of dug cultue. Clealy, the elationship between dugs and music is a complex one. This pape will seek to shed light on the motivations fo atists to incopoate dug cultue in thei songs and what they pesumably gain fom it, and what society pesumably gains fom it as well. The fist song that this pape will examine when it comes to the teatment of dugs as subject matte fo songs is in the wok of 2 Pac in his famous song, "Changes. Music Ther Perspectives, Duff, C. Drugs and Youth Cultures: Is Australia Experiencing the 'Normalization' of Adolescent Drug Use?

Journal of Youth Studies, Corner Bodega. Retrieved from genius. The Way We Get By. Retrieved from Genius. Changes 2 pac. Retrieved from lyrics. Jamaican Music It is never just about the music. No matter how great the musician, music is always the expression of an entire culture, of a moment in history, of a particular place in time. The genius of a particular musician, the synergy of a particular group - these are both essential to the success or failure of a particular group. But that success or failure is never intrinsic to a single song, to a single album. Music that succeeds - both in its own time and later - does so because it has the ability to express something important about that moment in time. eggae has been able to provide just such an expression of the beliefs of a particular people at a moment in history for the last two years - and it has been able to do so because of its ability to change with larger political….

Music is constantly changing. Most people only know the cliches of music from other lands -- a bit of tango, maybe flamenco. But just as American artists are inspired by the sounds of the lands of their heritage, world artists today honor their nation of origin and take some of the best sounds of the West, to make something new. I love mestizo fusion of Putumayo, how new African artists are blending jazz and traditional songs of their homeland, and also how rock and traditional folk songs can become fused and give old words new power.

World or ethnic music is grounded in a tradition that transcends commercialism, yet it is becoming wildly popular because the Internet has enabled more and more people to become exposed to international artists. When I first developed my interest in world music, I was an anomaly because I sought out music beyond the confines…. ups and downs of Russian music throughout the Soviet Union's tumultuous history and will also describe the impact that music has on the Russians today. This paper will describe the music during the pre-revolutionary years, post-revolutionary years, the Stalin years, the post-Stalin years and Gorbachev's perestroika years. The years before the Russian Revolution of and the Russian revolution of are considered the pre-revolutionary years.

The Russian Revolution of was an unsuccessful attempt to topple the ruling czar and it all started with the Bloody Sunday Massacre. The Russian revolution of succeeded in overthrowing the imperial government and replacing them with the Bolsheviks. The pre-revolutionary years, in Russia, were filled with Byzantium liturgical chants, nationalistic folk songs, operas, and symphonies. In , Prince Vladimir of Kiev decided that Russian's national religion would be Byzantine Orthodoxy and that's how the Byzantium liturgical chants ended up in Russia.

Works Cited Daniels, Robert V. Russia: The Roots of Confrontation. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Gunther, John. Inside Russia Today. Smith, Hedrick. The New Russians. New York: Avon Books, Spector, Ivar. An Introduction to Russian History and Culture. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc. For CL, her posse is the cadre of women -- but here they are donned…. Bibliography Gill, Rosalind. McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media, critical edition, edited by W. Berkeley, California: Gingko Press, Through a school-based project, students within the proposed COMA program would watch popular videos under supervision and then talk about the images afterwards, to assess different rapper's portraits of women, violence, crime, and sexuality.

Students would also analyze rap lyrics in their English classes. This would encourage teens to not simply mindlessly listen to the music, without critically analyzing rappers' overt messages and rap lyrics' subtexts. Bringing rap into the school would help to erase the 'us vs. them' divide that is part of much of rap's violent, negative, outsider appeal. It could also offer a springboard in which to discuss larger social issues about racism and sexism. Students would be asked to create their own rap music videos and rap songs to talk about issues that were important to them on a personal level.

Incorporating rap as an expressive medium has been proven to be effective in many contexts. References Iwamoto, Derek K. Feeling the beat: the meaning of rap music for ethnically diverse midwestern college students: A phenomenological study. Effects of rap and heavy metal music lyrics on adolescent Behavior. Missouri Western State University. Concerts Across Time The performer that I watched in a pop music concert is named PJ Morton. He is a keyboardist and vocalist, who performed with what looked like the helping of a full band.

There were two baroque concerts that I watched. The first was entitled "Little Baroque Suite," whereas the second one was entitled "Une Fete Baroque. I certainly did not enjoy the first two I have listed in this document. I found Morton's music and songwriting to be extremely bland, if not boring. This sentiment applied doubly so to "Little Baroque Suite. The concert I liked best was "Une Fete Baroque," mostly because the various musicians and vocalists and the conductor, especially in this concert actually performed, complete with dancing and a…. Works Cited AdeleAnne. A Tribe Called Quest has performed live at a number of large music festivals including Bumbershoot and Lollapalooza. These big name, big draw venues allowed A Tribe Called Quest to project their sounds to the masses, enlightening large numbers of listeners to the transformative potential of hip-hop.

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