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Essays on patriotism

Essays on patriotism

Maintaining peace and harmony: A good nation is one where peace and harmony is maintained at all times. Patriotism is at the core of national development. Our country is also referred to as our motherland and we must love it the way essays on patriotism love our mother. However, essays on patriotism, this would not be the case. He puts the interest of his country and countrymen first and is willing to sacrifice everything for the betterment of his country.

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Patriotism is identified by a sense of responsibility and love towards the motherland and fellow citizens. The principle of service before self is eccentric to patriotism. I am giving below three essays of different word lengths for my readers. Patriotism is a feeling that encourages service to the motherland as the utmost priority. There are some certain identifiers of patriotism. They are clear signs indicating the existence of patriotism in a person or in a community. Some of the most prominent identifiers are listed below. Patriotism is an important prerequisite for the progress of a nation, more significantly so for a nation as culturally diverse as India, essays on patriotism.

It is patriotism that unites Indians belonging to different religions and cultures and compels them to work for the overall good of the nation and its people. Patriotism unites people, who keep service to the nation before self and protect essays on patriotism rights of each other, upholding the principles of democracy. Patriotism is at the core of national development. It unites people to defend their nation and also to work for essays on patriotism growth and prosperity. It was patriotism that had united people from different backgrounds together. In this essay we will understand a simple definition of patriotism; some examples of patriotism and its significance.

It is also identified by a sense of unity as well as concern for other citizens. It is identified by a deep sense of duty towards the nation even above self. Indian freedom struggle is the best example of patriotism. When East India came to India, the latter was a disintegrated group of small to large kingdoms, having their own governance and rules. Subsequent British atrocities and unjust trade policies instilled unrest among the original inhabitants of the continent. This unrest consequently led to a territorial unity arising more out of the need of the time than anything else. Kingdoms and their subjects knew that they have to stay united if they ever have to fight the British out of their land, essays on patriotism.

This developed the concept of one nation that is India and zeal to defend her freedom and the right of her inhabitants. The history of Indian freedom struggle is replete with many patriots essays on patriotism never gave it a second thought before sacrificing their lives and belongings for the freedom of the motherland. Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad, Mahatma Essays on patriotism, Lala Lajpat Rai are few patriotic names that have given their all to the service of the nation. Patriotism today has become a broader concept than it was a century before.

Today, patriotism is in participating in national development and taking part in national festivals, enthusiastically. It is not necessarily identified by fighting for the nation and for the rights of its people, but also by working for its improvement and ensuring the prevalence of democracy. Patriotism is an essential requirement for democracy to be established and for it to be successful. India is a perfect example of how patriotism acts as the binding principle between different communities, who together participate in nation-building keeping the interest of the nation before self. There is much similarity between patriotism and nationalism, but the former includes a patriotic and unconditional love for the motherland. It is an ideology that inspires citizens to defend essays on patriotism motherland till their last breath.

There are primarily two types of patriotism namely, blind patriotism and constructive patriotism, that we will discuss now. Blind patriotism is identified by a strong and assertive love for the nation and heritage, often compromising with human rights. Let us understand it with a simple example — Self-declared patriotic groups harassing couples at market places and parks, essays on patriotism, in the name of preserving the conservative culture of the land, is an example of blind patriotism. People of groups with blind patriotism; tend to think that their ideology is in the best interest of the nation, even if it sidelines the basic principles of democracy and human rights. Unlike blind patriotism, constructive patriotism has democratic principles at its core.

There is a feeling of oneness and a sense of responsibility towards fellow citizens. The concept of constructive patriotism is to put the interest of the nation before self. There are few qualities of patriotism that are evident in the person or in the society. When we talk about the qualities of patriotism, it must be kept in mind that it is constructive patriotism that we are talking about, essays on patriotism. Following are some of the qualities of patriotism —. Patriotism includes an undeniable love for the nation. There is a visible zeal in the person or community, for doing something for their motherland. It could be anything from defending territories to helping fellow citizens to take part in national activities.

This is also an important essays on patriotism of patriotism identified by a sense of responsibility and accountability towards fellow citizens. Similarly, a patriot will always long for essays on patriotism fellow citizens in need. There is a general sense that the nation is not separate from its inhabitants and the interest of both needs to be protected. This is indeed the most important characteristic of patriotism, essays on patriotism. There is even a sense of pride in sacrificing all for the nation. If you take part in nation-building activities, participate in national festivals, keeping always the growth of the nation and concern for fellow citizens, you too are very much a patriot.

Patriotism must be viewed together with unity, love for the nation and citizens, essays on patriotism, and essays on patriotism an urge to do something for the nation. It is not a separate entity but the inclusion of many nationalistic feelings and activities with the interest of the nation and its people at the core. The word patriotism has been derived from the Latin word 'Patria' that means country. We should stand in attention whenever national anther is sung. We can show love to our country by becoming good and responsible citizens of the nation. East Germany is stated as the least patriotic country in the world. I am a writer with no particular genre of choice. Though, I like to write on issues that concern the general populace. I also love to know people, communities and cultures from close quarters.

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The spirit of patriotism means a feeling of boundless love for our country. Our country has had many patriots in the past and many still exist today. However, the spirit of patriotism was particularly visible among the people of India during British rule. Bhagat Singh is known as a true patriot, he was certainly to free our country from the clutches of the British government. He participated in various freedom struggles and started a revolution and he was so dedicated to his mission that he did not think twice before sacrificing his life for his motherland. Apart from being part of various independence movements to drive the British out of the country, Bose also promoted Hindu-Muslim unity.

Famous singer Sarojini Naidu of her time was also a patriot of heart, he participated in the freedom struggle and contributed to liberate the country from British rule. He played an important role in the Civil Disobedience Movement, which led to his arrest along with other prominent freedom fighters. He was also arrested during the Quit India movement but his patriotic feelings were not suppressed. The government, schools and other institutions should take initiative to develop the spirit of patriotism among the citizens. Patriotism is fading with the passage of time, this is rarely seen in the younger generation these days. A selfish person is one who always thinks of himself and puts his interests above all and on the other hand, patriotism is all about loving a country selflessly.

A person who is very engrossed in himself and gives great importance to himself and his needs, can never be a patriot. Everyone is busy earning money to make their lives more comfortable and better than those around them. There is hardly area to think of anything else in such a scenario. Love for the country and serving the country is almost forgotten these days. Instead of working towards the betterment of one country and contributing to its development, the youth of today are moving to other countries in search of a better lifestyle. If such a mentality exists in the minds of those who were around years ago, they would never have unitedly fought for the freedom of the country. While many claimed that the British were patriots during his reign, some of them were false patriots who took advantage of the situation to pursue their selfish motives.

Even today, there are many people who truly love and respect their country, while some pretend to do so. A true patriot is one who is dedicated to serving his nation, he puts the interests of his country and countrymen first and is willing to sacrifice everything for the good of his country. On the other hand, a false patriot is one who claims to love his country and shows that he is publicly patriotic. Patriotism is natural in some people while in others it can developed. A sense of patriotism is required for the well-being and development of a country. It also brings people of a country closer and helps them to experience the love and joy of sharing and caring. He puts the interests and welfare of his country above his own. He is willing to sacrifice twice for his country without thinking twice.

Patriotism is a quality that everyone should consider, our country is also known as our motherland and we should love our mother as we love her. Those who feel as much love and dedication for their country as they feel for their mother and family are true patriots. A country full of patriots definitely makes a place better than one where people are fighting each other in the name of religion, caste, creed and other issues. In a place where people have collective interests and the mission will definitely be less conflicting.

Nation-building: When everyone is dedicated to making the nation strong in every aspect, there is no way that the country will not develop. Maintaining peace and harmony: A good nation is one where peace and harmony is maintained at all times. People have a sense of brotherhood and help and support each other, the spirit of patriotism is known to promote a sense of brotherhood among a countryman. Working for a common goal: Patriots work for a common goal and this is for the betterment of their country. Tell the driver to pause and command the tires to be silent. Make sure everyone is quiet and not fidgeting. Direct those who are waving to cease wagging their hands and let them glance for a quick second at this still moment-in-time and think.

The first thing I would state about the film is that about everyone watches the film. Peoples watch all types of film including action films, escapade films, comedy films, and many other classs, but when it comes to the history films, people do non believe …. This report explains the issues that warranted this law, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the Patriot Act of Passed in the …. Part I Summarize the U. Patriot Act. The U. Patriot Act was developed to expand the intelligence gathering powers and increase responsibilities at all levels of law enforcement in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks. It became apparent that law enforcement at ….

Does Patriotism still Matter? I could definitely dig out …. There are many advantages for expanding governmental surveillance and investigative powers. According to the American Civil Liberties Union ACLU , …. The Patriot Movie The Patriot movie has been a great movie. All the scenes were incredible and others were devastating. Having to watch this history movie has become one of my favorite movies with the scenes that I have chosen. My first scene I chose …. Patriotism is a loyal feeling which one has about his own country. one must have a deep and passionate loyal feeling about his country.

One of these feelings of one man …. To say that patriotism is outdated is to imply that the concept of nation is outdated. It is perhaps our disguised …. Disadvantages to the Patriot act USAPA ; There are six flaws to the act that was passed into law on October 26th, It takes away civil rights, by doing so it destroys the definition of what it means to be an American Citizen [ talkradio, …. The Patriot is an American historical film starring Mel Gibson and directed by Roland Emmerich. It is set in South Carolina, one of the thirteen British colonies set in America.

This character is a …. After reading various examples of the word patriotism and its use in that context it seems that patriotism mostly refers to the love or emotional attachment that a person can have to their country or to where they are from or simply to the place …. The law was passed without any objections to the passage of the law, and was signed by President …. The attack against USA was a proof that even strong and imperialist countries are never safe at any time. It has severely damaged the US reputation and challenged them further — economically, ….

The very definition of patriotism cannot simply be defined by a dictionary. In fact, no two people you meet will have the same explanation of what it means to them. Every sane individual would agree with the assertion that what occurred on September 11, is indeed a tragedy for the American public. With this grief came the awareness and fear that terrorism has become a global dilemma. In line with such events, the US …. Terrorism was viewed in the early days as an act of violence against a limited group of individuals. The acts then were consisted of bombing, kidnapping, killing prominent public officials, and others. Patriotism In The Poetry Of The Great War Patriotic ideals and attitudes towards the Great War changed dramatically when soldiers began returning place; the barbarous world sing warfare became evident to civilians.

English Literature Literature Patriotism. Love Patriotism. Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the U. Patriot Act The Sarbanes-Oxley Act states that all public business companies should adhere to the new standards established by law for the additional task of supervising all the financial transactions and auditing procedures by the board members. Acts E-commerce Internet Patriot Act. Hire a subject expert to help you with. Employment and Flag Question List each school separately, spelling out the complete and full name of all institutions. The Bourne Ultimatum The Bourne ultimatum is about a guy that works for the CIA, but at the same time is trying to uncover his identity. National Security Patriot Act Politics. Like A Flag in the Wind We are One Stop.

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