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Essay on native americans

Essay on native americans

Better Essays. Konkle, Maureen. Mary White Rowlandson, Women's History. While Native American Indians have almost completely recovered population-wise, they will never catch up to the rest of the world, essay on native americans, and their culture can never fully recuperate. Most of the American settlers, however, did not treat the Native Americans this way. From the onset, it would be prudent to note that this happens to essay on native americans an instrumental federal law in efforts to ensure that fairness, respect, and dignity is observed in the treatment of any ancestrys human remains and various cultural items. Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious.

Native Americans

Native Americans culture is unique for many ways. Living on the reservations they were in touch with nature as well as their ancestors. Native Americans are disputed in the country, diverse among tribes, culturally mixed, and recognize their own political stands Bordewich, essay on native americans,p. These have changed over the years, but before the reconstruction of the Native Americans the people were identifiable and knew who they were. Before the Europeans came and changed their living they felt one with.

As a whole; the Native Americans can be traced back through the Hopi, Zuni, Iroquois, Algonquian, Natchez, and Mohawks. Indians grew up with the belief that land was a sacred gift given to them by their ancestors. Finding and learning new ways to grow crops was a valuable teaching. Passing down teachings, beliefs, essay on native americans, and leadership roles Indians maintained to live peacefully off. past century, many Native American groups have experienced social and environmental change and have had essay on native americans deal essay on native americans a variety of contemporary issues. Although Native Americans may be associated with the past due to popular culture, many different American Indian groups are strongly affected by modern issues.

For instance, while type II diabetes is a major issue in many communities, essay on native americans, it disproportionately affects Native Americans. Beginning in the 20th century, Native American groups have been affected. Throughout United States history, Americans have treated Native Americans as unequals and forced suffering on Native American tribes. Events such as the Trail of Tears, the Sand Creek Massacre, and the Navajo Long Walk, just to name a few, will forever be a dark moment in American history. At the arrival of the Europeans, the population numbers of Native Americans are estimated from five million to fifteen million, with liberals preferring the higher estimates, and conservatives preferring the lower.

Native Americans have inhabited this country for many generations. We see so many things that are influenced by the Native Americans and we find ourselves in awe of the independence of these peoples and the culture that they have come from. When we look at art through the eyes of the Native American we should see a functional and usable art. Art was not for aesthetic reasons; it had real purpose. The folk art that came from these cultures were for religious and moral reasons. Everything that these. Native American The story of the pilgrims and Native Americans was always taught essay on native americans elementary school during the Thanksgiving holiday. It finally clicked in my mind that Indians are people from India not America.

Native Americans were always portrayed to be accepting. has become so severe that a population that was one believed to be numbered in the millions, was at one point reduced to essay on native americans few asinand entire tribes have been either irretrievably warped or have disappeared altogether. While Native American Indians have almost completely recovered population-wise, they will never catch up to the rest of the world, and their culture can never fully recuperate. At the time the United States was settled by Europeans, it was abundantly populated by dozens. LONG BEFORE the white man set foot on American soil, the American Indians, essay on native americans, or rather the Native Americans, essay on native americans been living on this land.

When the Europeans came here, there were probably 10 million Indians north of present-day Mexico and they had been living here for quite some time. It is believed by many anthropologists and archaeologists that the first people arrived during the last ice-age, approximately 20, essay on native americans, - 30, years ago, crossing the land-bridge at the Bering Sound, from northeastern. Being from Mexico and learning how the Spanish conquistadors arrived and blended immediately with the Indians into a mestizo culture, it is extremely interesting how in North America European Americans and the indigenous people by no means would coexist peacefully and merge into a new culture. I have now learned about the conquering of the new world both north of the Rio Grande and south of it, and I have concluded that north of the US-Mexico border the indigenous population had no chance at all.

settlers, Native Americans have suffered tremendously. Native Americans during the time of the early settlers where treated very badly. Europeans did what they wanted with the Native Americans, and when a group of Native Americans would stand up for themselves, the European would quickly put them down. The Native Americans bow and arrows where no match for the Europeans guns and cannon balls. Home Page Native American. Free Native American Essays and Papers. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Satisfactory Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About essays. Good Essays. Native Americans Words 2 Pages. Native Americans.

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html Steindorf, S. Their numbers more than doubled in a decade; here's why 'it's cool to be Indian'. Retrieved from The Christian Science Monitor. Native Americans: Separate and Unequal Native American Isolation Native Americans have continued to represent a marginalized ethnic minority in the United States, despite repeated efforts at assimilation. No one argues publicly anymore that Native Americans are inferior to Whites, but the taint of racism seems to remain embedded in public policy decisions concerning this demographic. Accordingly, Native Americans have attempted to insulate themselves from the influence of what can only be described as the dominant colonial culture. I will argue that the colonial attitudes that first invaded North America over years ago continue to influence how mainstream American society views Native Americans, and vice versa.

A Case Study of Early Cultural Conflict Spanish immigration into California would have benefitted greatly through the development of an overland route that crossed what was then a major river, the Colorado, because supplying settlements by sea was untenable at the time Santiago, ,…. References Bell, James and Lim, Nicole. Young once, Indian forever: Youth gangs in Indian Country. American Indian Quarterly, 29, Cumfer, Cynthia. Separate peoples, one land: The minds of Cherokees, Blacks, and Whites on the Tennessee frontier.

Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press. Guerrero, Vladimir. Winter Lost in the translation: Chief Palma of the Quechan. Southern California Quarterly, 92, Oliver, Christopher. The internal colonialism model: What the model has to done to the education of Native Americans. ERIC, ED, Native Americans Dakota and Lakota people The word 'Dakota' is derived from the seven council fires Oceti Sakowin - or in other words, the main political units for the people of Dakota. The word means "ally" also referred to as "Sioux" at times. Historically, the Sisseton, Wahpekute, Wahpeton, and Mdewakanton constituted of western Yankton and Yanktonai who were together referred to as Nakota and the Teton and Eastern Dakota.

The Santee Dakota family had their land in the western and central parts of what later came to be Minnesota, during the early s. In the same period, the western Dakota people were living mainly in what is presently known as South and North Dakota Nabokov, The Lakota and the Dakota prophesized and envisioned the ghost dance which began in their minds. As a vision, the leader of the dance passed away before enacting the vision. People believed that this…. References Brown, D. Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas Publisher Nabokov, P Native American Testimony. Westport, Conn: Praeger Security International. Sutton, M. Introduction to Native North America. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning. Native American's With Alcoholism And Diabetes The health situation with regard to Native Americans is shown in numerous studies to be seriously below the standard and average of other groups in the country.

This fact is underscored and emphasized in research studies such as Richardson's, The Need to Empower Indian Tribes, in which he states that, As the nation reviews its health needs, it can look to American Indians as the ethnic group in the poorest health, with the highest rates of diabetes and tuberculosis. Indians die younger than other groups, from a variety of illnesses. A report from the University of Minnesota noted that the suicide rate of Indian teens is four times greater than any other ethnic group. Bibliography Abused Native Americans Twice as Likely to Drink. Retrieved August 31, htm Bren, L. Diabetes Prevention, Treatment. Diabetes Statistics for Native Americans. Retrieved August 31, from American Diabetes Association. Native American Culture The Native American people occupied the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans in the 15th century and have long been known as Indians because when Columbus reached the shores he believed he had landed in the Indies Natives Pp.

It is generally agreed by most scholars that the Native Americans came to the estern Hemisphere from Asia via the Bering Strait or along the North Pacific coast in series of migrations spreading east and south Natives Pp. It is believed that these waves of migration account for the numerous native linguistic families while the common origin explains the physical characteristics that Native Americans share, such as Mongoloid features, coarse straight black hair, dark eyes, sparse body hair, and skin color ranging from yellow-brown to reddish brown Natives Pp.

The majority of scholars believe that they arrived approximately 12, years ago, while other accept evidence that they…. Native Americans are the indigenous people of Northern America. They are composed of numerous distinct ethnic groups and people from varying origins. They are found within the boundaries of continental United States, parts of Alaska and the island state of Hawaii. Lewis and Clark note that there are nearly 50 native American tribes including Arikaras, Assiniboins, Blackfeet, Chinooks, Clatsop's, Hidatsa, Mandans, Missouris, Nezperces, Otos, Shoshones, Teton, Sioux, Tillamooks, Walla wallas, Wishrams and Yanktons History on the Net, Stratification forms the basis of the division of society and categorization of people.

Americans are grouped into 3 categories which include: Capitalists own the method of production and employ others to work for them , Small capitalists own the method of production but do not employ people to work for them and Workers work for capitalists. In America power is not in the hands of the few but rather it is widely…. References History on the Net, htm Janice C. al, Minorities in Rural America: An Overview of Population Characteristics. Native American and European Cultures Native American European Cultures It is generally thought that humans first entered the New World during the last ice age and quickly spread over what is today North and South America.

When the ice age ended some 15 thousand years ago, the human population of the America's was isolated from the rest of the world. It would not be until the 15th century, when the Spanish sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, that the peoples of the Old World and New World would again be permanently connected. However, in the thousands of years that had passed since the Americas had become isolated, the Native Americans independently developed their own cultures. When the Europeans arrived in the New World at the end of the 15th century, the two cultures that met were very different from each other.

While there were a few similarities, the cultures of the…. References Brodd, Jeffery. World Religions: A Voyage of Discovery. Winona, MN: Saint Mary's. Lovern, Lavonna. Science and Technology in World History: An. Native Americans Describe what is known of the tribe's pre-Columbian history, including settlement dates and any known cultural details. Before Columbus came to the "New World," the pre-Columbian era, the Cherokee occupied an area that today is western North Carolina, eastern Tennessee and northern Georgia Waddington The Cherokee traveled even further past these areas, however, to hunt and to trade their wares.

The Cherokee had occupied this area for a good 1, years before Europeans set foot in the area in the beginning of the 16th century; however, the initial contact with the Europeans was quite scant and for about years after the first contact the Europeans the Cherokee culture really didn't change at all The Cherokee Indians were considered to be great hunters as well as farmers; they grew great crops and harvested both nuts and berries, which were considered staples in the daily diet Native-Net…. References Bogan, D. History of Campbell County Tennessee. Retrieved May 23, , from TNGEN Web. html Chickamauga Cherokee. Chief Dragging Canoe. Chickamauga Cherokee. Retrieved May 24, , from Chickamauga Cherokee.

Write a new legend concerning the further adventures of the Frog Bruchac, James, Joseph Bruchac and Stefano Vitale ill. The Girl Who helped Thunder and Other Native American Folktales. New York: Sterling, ISBN: Juvenile literature. Retellings of twenty-four different Native American folktales and myths. Accompanying illustrations also hint at different native American styles of visual design and aesthetic appreciation. Generally light-hearted folktales; few heavy myths. Native Americans The Age of Exploration and Discovery enriched Europe, but it decimated the populations of both North and South America.

From Christopher Columbus onward, European explorers and settlers encountered Native Americans when they arrived. Some of the encounters were relatively peaceful, but many turned violent. Even when the encounters were peaceful, Native Americans did not fare well after contact with the Europeans. There are several reasons why the Europeans were able to conquer the Americas and nearly wipe out the indigenous population. The three main reasons why Native Americans were vulnerable to conquest by European adventurers include their susceptibility to foreign diseases; their inferior military technology; and their lack of tribal unity.

Native Americans were vulnerable to diseases that the Europeans unwittingly carried or already had immunity against. Vulnerability to disease meant that the native communities were physically and psychologically weakened and unable to defend themselves. For example, "The…. Works Cited Brown, Thomas. Army Distribute Smallpox Blankets to Indians? Fabrication and Falsification in Ward Churchill's Genocide Rhetoric. pdf Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel. Norton, The earth,' they say, 'is a great island floating in a sea, and suspended at each of the four cardinal points by a cord hanging down from the sky vault, which is of solid rock. hen the world grows old and worn out, the people will die and the cords will break and let the earth sink down into the ocean, and all will be water again.

The ater-Beetle was sent on an exploration, and after darting about on the surface of the waters and finding no rest, it dived to the depths, where it brought up a bit of mud, from which the Earth developed by accretion. Works Cited Carmody, John Tully, and Denise Lardner Carmody. Native American Religions an Introduction. New York: Paulist Press, Cherokee" Wikipedia Online encyclopedia. Cherokee Society" Wikipedia Online encyclopedia. The natives had land the British wanted, and began to seriously fight back when their territory was threatened, due in part to the firearms they gained from trading with the British. The relationship continued to erode past the s, and became more contentious as more Europeans came to settle in merica.

References Bartruff, Dave. Eliot, John. dialogue between Piumbukhou and his unconverted relatives. Native merican Theological Debate. Howard, Susan Kubica. Maydosz, nn. Ann Maydosz, "A Study in Red and Black: Ethnic Humor in Colonial America," the Journal of Negro History 85, no. John Eliot, "A Dialogue Between Piumbukhou and his Unconverted Relatives. Susan Kubica Howard, "Seeing Colonial America and Writing Home about it: Charlotte Lennox's Euphemia, Epistolarity, and the Feminine Picturesque," Studies in the Novel 37, no.

Native Americans in Film Prompt 1: The difference between Smoke Signals and Dances with olves is striking. The former is more about what life is like for people who are of Native American descent. They are not different from the white population except for their traditions and heritage. As people, they are not at all different. Dances with olves on the other hand portrays Native Americans as a group of people completely different from the white population. Besides having a different language, they have altogether different customs and an essentially different way of life.

It is as if the first film is intent on showing the similarities between Native Americans and Caucasians and that the second movie is about how different they are and how hard it is for the two societies to intermingle. The media as a whole plays on the preconceived notions of people and does little to…. Works Cited: Dances with Wolves. Kevin Costner. By Michael Blake. Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell, and Graham Greene. Orion Pictures, Smoke Signals. By Sherman Alexie, Brian Capener, Brian Berdan, BC Smith, Ron Otis, Ray Brown, Tim Simonec, and Patrick O'Sullivan. Sherman Alexie, Chris Eyre, Scott Rosenfelt, Larry Estes, David Skinner, Carl Bressler, Roger Baerwolf, Randy Suhr, Brent Morris, Charles Armstrong, Ron Leamon, and Cynthia Bornia.

Chris Eyre. Adam Beach, Evan Adams, Irene Bedard, Gary Farmer, Tantoo Cardinal, Cody Lightning, John Michelle. Miramax Films, The town of ounded Knee is located on the present day Pine Ridge Reservation. The leaders of the resistance purposefully chose ounded Knee as the site for their protest, as it is loaded with spiritual and political significance for Native Americans. The United States government and military responded immediately to the Indians' occupation. The United States military's force by far exceeded that of the Indians. The government attempted to block food and medical supplies, aiming to starve the occupiers out of ounded Knee.

During the course of the stand off, two Native American Indians were fatally shot. By the fifth of May, the occupiers reached an agreement with the United States government to disarm. The siege would come to an end three days later, and the town was evacuated, at which point the United States government took control of ounded Knee. The United States' stance against anyone who poses a…. Native American Gaming In February, , Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty stated that he wanted Minnesota's Indian tribes to share their casino profits with the state Sweeney Pp.

However, according to a legislative analyst speaking before the Minnesota House committee, Governor Pawlenty may have to "give the tribes as much as he gets from them" Sweeney Pp. John illiams of the nonpartisan House Research staff presented members of the House Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs Committee as "detailed look at the negotiations fifteen years ago that set ground rules for the tribes' gambling operations" Sweeney Pp. illiams was doubtful that officials in the federal Interior Department, which approves Indian gaming compact, would accept any effort by Governor Pawlent or Minnesota lawmakers to force the tribes to make gaming payments against their will Sweeney Pp. The federal Indian Gaming Act forbids state taxes on Native Americans' casino profits" Sweeney Pp. Although a….

Works Cited Melmer, David. Sweeney, Patrick. Lopez, Patricia. However, he does draw one conclusion from the historical studies that he overviewed with which I cannot agree. He describes that Native American population as having incredible adaptability and perseverance Edmunds, p. I fear that this conclusion is an attempt at trying to avoid sounding disparaging about a minority group that ignores some of the harsher realties of modern life for the vast majority of Native Americans in the modern United States. Yes, his conclusion that the numbers of Native Americans in the United States have increased dramatically from their all-time low is true. However, judging the robustness of a civilization based only on its population numbers seems to be a very reductionist approach. Moreover, it lumps Native American populations together in a way that seems inaccurate.

Modern Native American populations are "in all stages of development, from the most primitive to the most sophisticated. In the United States,…. Works Cited American Indians Cultural Network. Edmunds, R. Such a confrontational strategy represents a subversion of the Modernist paradigm that supposedly views the work of art as being separate from the viewing experience. When dealing with a live human being presented as an "object," however, one is forced to question that stance of critical distance, as it dissolves in front of our very eyes. Of course, a history of Native Americans' engagement with Modernism would require a much longer essay - probably even an entire volume.

Instead, what we hope to have managed in this short piece is to provide some insights into the ways in which the Modernist paradigm has constantly been challenged by the work of Native American artists throughout the post-war period. The ironic thing is that a lot of this work would fit quite comfortably into the Western canon, as it has been traditionally constructed by Euro-American discourse. At the same time, these artists…. Bibliography Rushing, W. Jackson III, ed. Native American Art in the Twentieth Century. New York: Routledge, Wyckoff, Lydia L. Visions and Voices.

Tulsa, OK: Philbrook Museum of Art, He uses her head for the sun and other body parts for the moon and other heavenly bodies Cusick, n. Tapahonso's poem connects the newborn female infant with an August sunset, steam, and hot rocks. That Tapahonso chooses to describe the birth of a female infant is significant. Through this choice, in addition to her references to both mother and daughter in terms of natural occurrences, Tapahonoso establishes that the earth is not only born of a female, but is a female. Thus, in her poem, the earth is both the mother and the daughter, but is always feminine, just as in Cusick's creation myth the earth is made from the remains of a dead mother who died birthing its creator.

Though both Cusick and Tapahonso's works identify an important trait in Native American folklore, the existence of a female and motherly earth, the works do this in very different…. Works Cited American Passages: A Literary Survey. Cusick, David. Nina Baym. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois, Kalter, Susan. But, Dowd makes it clear that it was not only the vices as such that the Delaware people wanted to give up, they actually wanted to renounce any kind of exchange of goods with the British and to rely exclusively on their own means of subsistence and on their own knowledge about the world. This fact once more emphasizes the notion that the resistance of the….

Reference List Kupperman, Karen Ordahl. Major Problems in American Colonial History. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, Karen Ordahl Kupperman, Major Problems in American Colonial History Boston: Houghton Mifflin, , Most Native Americans would demonstrate exceptional tolerance to other religions but their own religious beliefs are based on nature. Even though years of assimilation had initially damaged the cultural roots of Native Americans, there is now a new kind of cultural and social change that we notice in this group. People are working hard to reclaim their cultural identity, which has triggered a gradual process of cultural renewal.

This cultural renewal is grounded in the belief that white culture is no longer better or dominant. In other words as new generation of Native Americans have gained the language skills they required to become part of the mainstream culture, they have also found the ability to express their dissatisfaction with the way dominant culture tries to suppress minor ethnic societies. Heaps of literature by Native Americans has opened their eyes to the injustices committed by the white culture and this has…. References Basso, Keith H. Portraits of "the Whiteman": Linguistic Play and Cultural Symbols among the Western Apache. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Freud, Sigmund. Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious.

James Strachey. New York W. Jaimes, M. ANative American Identity and Survival: Indigenism and Environmental Ethics in Issues in Native American Cultural Identity, ed. Michael K. New York: Peter Lang, Nelson, Robert M. APlace, Vision, and Identity in Native American Literatures, in American Indian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Issues. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. All of these are incorporated into the fundamental ideas of strong kinship values and family ties from Confucianism. As much as the Koreans transmitted their strong belief in the role of education, proving to have possessed the secret for certain development ahead of many modern society, they also took along the traditional gender roles in the family and society.

Their society was fundamentally patriarchal. The father and the sons were making the rules inside the family. Women obey completely to the male members of the family and are responsible for the activities concerning the family life inside and around the house exclusively. There are strict rules that…. Reference List Beller, T. Korean-American Health Care Beliefs and Practices. htm Young-sik, K. Koreans in America in the late s. html Korean-American History. htm In Observance of Centennial of Korean Immigration to the U. A Brief History. Instead, children were allowed to roam freely throughout the community and were free to ask questions when and where they pleased Indian Treaties, Children worked alongside adults, learning life skills through pay and imitation.

In addition, grandparents played a pivotal role in educating children. Grandmothers taught their granddaughters the tribal traditions and how to engage in the subtleties of daily life. Grandparents were frequently responsible for teaching children about a tribe's traditions, the tribe's place in the world, and the child's place in the tribe. Finally, in Native American cultures, children were generally treated with respect and dignity. They were allowed to ask questions of most adults, and welcomed to work alongside adults. Furthermore, physical discipline was rare and not severe. Given that cultural differences may contribute to the poor quality of education on many Native American reservations, it comes as no surprise that tribes that have taken control….

References Espinosa, J. Native American Battering. Retrieved Mar. htm Indian Treaties: Their Ongoing Importance to Michigan Residents. htm Lin, R. The Promise and Problems of the Native American Student: A Comparative. The showdown incident in Mean Spirit represents a confluence of cultures, just as it reveals the "clear bands of color" in a prism. The diverse group of individuals that gather at the Sorrow Cave are prisms as well: windows into different worldviews. The core characters do come together in a spirit of mutual understanding and agreement about ethical righteousness. Each of these characters represents strength and courage in the face of formidable obstacles. For Musher, Hogan's point-of-view makes perfect sense.

Indeed, it would take a radically conservative Christian to disagree with Hogan's assessment of the colonial experience. Father Dunne, and Musher's analysis of his character, become more important in light of the lack of Christian perspective that Musher represents. Hogan seems to understand that the Indian experience was a fundamental clash…. Work Cited Musher, Andrea. Native American Comparison Native American literature is interesting in and of itself but also when the reader understands the cultural perspective of that population.

Part of this interest comes from the fact that the Native Americans were the indigenous people of what would become the United States. hen European colonists arrived, the Native Americans were put in the position of having to either assimilate to the new culture or to resist assimilation. Many of the texts that come from Native American literature discuss this question, but also make it understood that there is no clear answer. Part of the individual person will want to associate themselves with the majority in order to prevent themselves from being labeled as something other or outside of the norm.

Yet, the other part of that same person will feel at least partially pulled towards taking up the cause of their heritage. By keeping the…. Works Cited: Welburn, Ron. Coming through Smoke and the Dreaming: Selected Poems. Greenfield Center, NY: Greenfield Review, While the people on the American continent had to start a Neolithic revolution on their own, it only took them one thousand years more than it took the people in the Middle East to devise farming concepts. Whereas the Eurasian Neolithic revolution took place about eleven thousand years ago, the one in America is believed to have taken place ten thousand years ago.

There is insufficient information to determine the exact time when the first technologically complex culture appeared in America, but most sources point sometime around B. In a climate considered to be unfavorable for most Europeans, Native Americans around the Titicaca Lake managed to build one of the greatest civilizations on the continent. People in the polity of Tiwanaku took advantage of the numerous resources in the territory and developed their community rapidly, experiencing notable successes. Tiwanaky was located in a strategic position, with people in the…. While this right applied to American settlers, who engaged in a variety of religions, from Puritanism to Deism, and spoke freely about them in publications and public forums.

Native Americans, on the other hand, were denied their freedom of religion. American settlers saw Native American religions as uncivilized, so they encouraged missionaries to convert the tribes. Missionaries can be both beneficial and harmful to a culture. Some come excited to help the people through manpower and certain forms of scientific, academic, or medical knowledge, presenting their religion with love, and allowing the people to choose whether or not that religion is acceptable. Most of the American settlers, however, did not treat the Native Americans this way. Instead, they forced them to assimilate into European culture, even taking children away from parents, assigning missionaries to the reservations where the Native Americans had been forced, and often punished those who wavered from….

References Declaration of Colonial Rights: Resolutions of the First Continental Congress. htm Accessed February 20, History of Missions. Berkley Graduate School of Journalism. html Accessed February 20, Immigration: Native Amerian. American Memory form the Library of Congress. Native American DNA Social and cultural definitions of relatedness are more consistent with the traditional notions of tribal membership; however, the U. government has long imposed its needs on tribal traditions p. The Dawes Act of effectively dispossessed Native Americans of communal land holdings by conferring land allotments to Native American male heads of households.

Persons believed to be full-blood Native Americans were given an allotment, but it was held in trust for 25 years, with the hope that the Native Americans would eventually assimilate into the capitalist economic system. By contrast, persons deemed to be half-blood or less were immediately given their land allotment under the assumption that they were culturally-advanced enough to successfully manage their holdings. This 'blood quantum' strategy for managing tribal lands has remained in place since the Dawes Act became law, but this paternalistic approach moderated somewhat during the 20th century.

Enforcement of…. It was suggested in Coladarci's piece that teachers try hard to "demonstrate more caring" and that more research needs to be done into whether the perceived lack of caring involves "insensitivity to Native American culture The third implication for practice that the Coladarci article addresses is that "over a third of the dropouts" interviewed "reported that the desire to be with other dropouts was a salient factor in their decision to drop out. Some of the recommendations from the dropouts included the possibility that the school administration "arrange" discussion groups….

Works Cited Coladarci, Theodore. Reyhner, Jon. June , If items from both areas continue to be found throughout the archeological record over an extended time, then it would indicate trade. However, if the archeological record indicates one massive wave of articles from the Roanoke area and then stops, it would be more indicative of a migration. This approach was not considered in the literature found. However, it would be an excellent tool for supporting or disproving the theories proposed by Torbert.

The language of the Lumbee is important in understanding how language exchange flowed in each direction. It tells us much about the early contact between culture and how these cultures began to communicate. Torbert was the only major researcher to have explored the Lumbee language for its ancestral connection. However, this work presents many more questions than it answers. For instance, why did the Lumbee transition to English. Torbert provides pervasive evidence that this transition occurred many…. Works Cited American Heritage Dictionary AHD Regional Patterns of American Speech The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.

Houghton Mifflin Company. Schilling-Estes, N. Language Variation and Change Torbert, B. Tracing Native American Language History through Consonant Cluster Reduction: The Case of Lumbee English. American Speech 76 4 : Wolfram, W. Delineation and description in dialectology: The case of Perfective I'm in Lumbee English. American Speech. Native American Literature The themes in Power by Linda Hogan are centered around nature and the unity of nature and human beings. These are also themes that are touched upon in Sacred Hoop by Paula Gunn Allen. For the Native American, all creatures are united in a "sacred hoop," and all events are cyclic.

Thus the symbolism used by Hogan focuses on images from nature. Most prominent among these is the panther, the snake, the tree called Methuselah, and the storm. The Panther The panther is seen not only as a symbol of the Taiga tribe, but also as the tribe's ancestor. But the Florida Panther that plays a part in the lives of Omishto and her aunt Ama, is ill and dying. The first appearance of this panther is in Omishto's dream, where she sees the panther in its illness. She relates this dream to Ama. Eventually the women…. Wile human beings have always exploited one another, and even looked down upon the so called "other," never before was it possible to claim as a matter of objective scientific fact, that other peoples were simply not "human" and thus could be treated as little more than farm animals.

Of course looking back now, it is clear that these racialist theories were nothing more than pseudoscience, and justifications for exploitation, yet they illustrate how powerfully seductive the new science was to human beings. Further, it can be argued that the project of modern science as illustrated by Bacon, meant not only the harnessing of nature for human ends, but also seeing other peoples as mere fauna to be similarly harnessed. In essence, the whole world was to be turned into a "New Atlantis" where everything would come under a monolithic civilization of machine like efficiency and precision, all to the…. References Andryszewski, T. Mass Extinction. Twenty-First Century Books. Bacon, F. The New Atlantis: Or, Voyage to the Land of the Rosicrucians. Forgotten Books.

Bell, G. The permaculture way. Permanent Publications. Bomani, B. Biofuels as an Alternative Energy Source for Aviation -- a Survey. Prior to the landing of the Spanish, the population was estimated to have been upwards of 20 million, making these Mesoamerican cultures some of the most advanced in certain areas with the ability to sustain a large population Hamnett, The geographic area now known as the West ndies, Caribbean slands, Mexico and Central America were very different places just a few short years prior to Central to the vast cultural and ecological changes in this area were the ways in which the European explorers impacted the native civilizations, decimating many through disease, and the manner in which the native cultures molded, mediated, and refracted into a new world order, creating a hybrid culture that is neither European nor Amerindian.

For historians, anthropologists, and ecologists alike, the widespread exchange of plants, animals, food, human populations, communicable diseases, and ideas that occurred between Europe and the so-called "New World" after…. Indeed, a contemporary reader, expectant of a global environment of international produce available constantly, immediate air travel to almost any destination on earth, and technological advances that allow instantaneous communication, would never recognize the world of the mids. The killing blow came from human migration, through no premeditated malice, and certainly without an understanding of disease vectors and transmission. Instead, "the fatal diseases of the Old World killed more effectively in the New, and the comparatively benign diseases of the Old World turned killer in the New" Ibid.

In fact, it was smallpox, to which most Europeans had a limited immunity due to centuries of exposure, which resulted in the largest death tolls for the Mesoamerican and Amerindian populations. For the Nahua, the native populations, even such simple disease vectors as the common cold and flu were deadly, and the contemporaneous accounts mention the "effects of the disease that decimated the population and devastated their leadership" Schwartz, , For instance, a native recalls that while the Spanish were still in Tlaxcala, plague hit the capital, Tenochititlan….

Sores erupted on our faces, our breasts, our bellies; we were covered with agonizing sores from head to foot" Leon-Portilla, , Disease was not the only. A lot of the written language comes from records about people's conversion experiences. This of course produced mixed children who were confused and could not decide which culture they would accept. This mix of people changed the ways of living for the Native Americans as well as the Europeans throughout early America. It is obvious to me that land was the largest reason for war among the Indians and the Europeans. In , the British troops at Fort William Henry on Lake George surrendered to the French. This victory was short lived as most of the French's Indian allies attacked the surrendered fort because they felt betrayed by the terms of surrender.

The native peoples unleashed a slaughter, which included scalps and captives Calloway, , p. The Indians were severing ties with the French and the British war effort was increasing with vigor. The Native Americans began to side with the British not knowing what this would bring, which was more freedom and land stripped away from them. Home Page Essay On Native Americans. Essay On Native Americans Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Native Americans have influenced the society of American culture, even in its current state. Several examples; such as political documents, the statistics, and other samples will be used in order to inform on how the Native Americans impacted America. Specifically, the two genres will be used based on the Northwest Ordinance for the political documents and the population will be for the statistics.

First of all, based on the resource of statistics during how the population of Native Americans came along. Their statistics have shown to have dramatically decrease over time after the whites have settled in America. Shown on a graph for examples, during , Native Americans reduced from over 10, to around 8, As time over passed, like in , numbers were low to about 2, Native Americans. European nations and the such have been known to expand their own kind in the United States, causing the Native Americans to give up their land and move towards west. One example of this would be the tribes that lived in Louisiana, as the whites took their territories away from them.

Of course, the two sides of Natives and whites had different views of claiming the land, so it resulted in a struggling relationship between them, such as small raids and attacks. The government, though, created several treaties for them to settle in peace. Eventually the Native Americans population died, mostly because of diseases and fights they interacted with the white settlers. Next is the political document of the Northwest Ordinance and affected by the presence of white settlers, they also affected then, In conclusion, the Native Americans have affected the United States of America even if it may not seem like it. Narrowing the ideas down, this can be concluded: Native Americans and whites had a troublesome relationship and because of that, they formed what America is today.

Native Americans had to give up their lands and head out west due to the American government. Fights and treaties had occurred alongside the way of their situations, such as the Northwest Ordinance that included the Northwest Indian War. It also affected the statistics population of Native Americans in the United States. Diseases and fights resolved in many deaths of the Native Americans, dramatically decreasing the whole Native Americans population total. That is how and why the Native Americans affected the United States. Get Access. Better Essays. American Treatment of the Indian Tribes Words 3 Pages. American Treatment of the Indian Tribes. Read More. Satisfactory Essays.

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