Monday, February 21, 2022

Essay on book

Essay on book

Reading is important, and you should invest time in it. This goes a long way in choosing their career path. A person who is well read, worldly wise, confident and creative would certainly have a better personality. Various aspects of the same subject have been touched by way of these books, essay on book. You can check a book review essay example essay on book below for better understanding on how it is supposed to be done. This will serve as a reminder to the audience of what the work is all about. Just like a best friend, books bring out the best in us.


Books open a completely new world filled with knowledge, life lessons, helpful advice, entertaining aspects that motivates one and elicit the advancement of life. By books being immortal, they provide friendships; food for the mind, entertainment, essay on book, promotes reflection and analytical thinking and increase knowledge. Books provide true friendships. Moreover, their failure to demand anything in return except reading and taking care of them make them true friends. Through their wide array of topics, all these benefits are accrued making them an intelligent choice for a friend of all times.

Books provide food for the mind. In order for the brain to function efficiently, and maintain its power, essay on book, just as the body requires foods such as proteins and vegetables, reading books nourishes the brain keeping it healthy. Additionally, reading of books provides exercise for the brain as it stimulates thoughts, imagination, and creativity that results in intellectual development crucial to the competent functioning of the mind. Books expand our knowledge. Essay on book instance, when reading books, a reader encounters numerous words that are new vocabularies to them. Accentuating of essay on book also, occur through learning of new languages.

Reading repeatedly language books provides basic information that helps in the development of reading and speaking skills of different languages. Moreover, books expose an individual to new information, ideas, methods of solving problems and discovery of new hobbies that enrich their awareness and quality of life. Books promote reflection and critical essay on book. Reading a book transforms a reader into a detective, as one is able to follow up on a story and with time, develop the ability to identify situations before they occur and predict potential conclusion.

Thus, a reader becomes versed with the ability to solve problems through critically essay on book situations. Moreover, the ability to decipher the plot of a book and reflection improves analytical thinking ability. Books provide entertainment. Books are readily accessible in libraries, bookshops, essay on book, and present as free digital books and e-books. Moreover, books are valuable in that they save money by making entertainment affordable. Books are a cheaper source of enjoyment as opposed to movies, essay on book, playing games and going out. In conclusion, the value of books is insurmountable as evidenced by their abilities to communicate new ideas, experiences, knowledge, and wisdom that is necessary for life and that makes the reading of books important.

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These books can help frequent travellers take a cue about what all to look forward to when they visit a particular place. Those who love travelling but are unable to do so because of some reason can go through these books to have a virtual experience of visiting different places. History books take us closer to our roots. History of various countries is embedded in different books by authors of different eras. Those interested in learning about the same can read these books. Books on technology help us learn about the new technological developments around us. Technology is a vast subject in itself. Books on technology contain information about different technical aspects of various technology driven equipments. Fashion and lifestyle books help us explore the world of fashion and lifestyle.

While some of these books help learn about the latest fashion and lifestyle trends others acquaint us with the fashion trends prevalent in different eras and in different places. Many learned authors have studied the human psychology deeply and written self help books to help people improve various aspects of their life. Reading these can actually bring about a positive change in a person. Many motivational and inspirational books have been written to motivate and inspire people to bring out the best in them and help them do well in life. Besides non-fiction books on a variety of subjects, there are innumerable fiction books available on different genres. These books are a great source of entertainment. Many of these books are inspirational too. A best friend is someone who brings out the best in us and is always there by our side.

Books enhance our knowledge, expand our vision, and render the ability to look at things with different perspective, boost our creative power and do much more. Just like a best friend, books bring out the best in us. In order to do well in life and become a better person, we need to enhance our knowledge that in turn helps us become wiser. A person who develops the habit of reading can attain both these over the time. In addition to it, books take us to an imaginative world and enhance our creativity. They help build confidence. We become more aware about things and become better off at handling various situations.

All in all, books bring out the best in us just like a friend who cares for us and wants to see us do well in life with all his heart. Just like a best friend, books never leave us. They are always there by our side no matter where we go. It is said that a person who develops the habit of reading books can never feel lonely or bored. It is the same as having a best friend. So, books are always there for your rescue just like a best friend no matter what kind of a situation you are in. Books do not only kill boredom and enhance our knowledge and creativity they are also excellent when it comes to seeking advice. There are numerous self help and motivational books that help and guide us in the right direction.

Whenever we are faced with a tough situation, it is best to read such books to understand how to act wisely. Here, you will get an advice from highly learned people who have explored life deeply. It is much better than taking advice from random relatives and friends. Many people have improved their life by reading such books. Just like a best friend, such books guide us to follow the right path. Thus, books are certainly our best friends. They help give more meaning to our life. Books always remain by our side without demanding anything in return. They entertain us when we feel bored and lonely and guide us during the hour of need.

We can count on them all the time just like we can rely on our best friend. Reading books offers numerous advantages. This is the reason why it is suggested to encourage children to read from an early age. Different genres of books are available in the market. One can pick the subject that interests him and expands his knowledge in the same besides enjoying the various other benefits it offers. Books are a storehouse of knowledge that is readily up for grabs. Numerous books are available on varied subjects. Reading these is one of the best ways to enhance our knowledge. Having knowledge about different things and being wiser are two different things. Books do not only render knowledge about various subjects but also make us wiser. Reading about a particular subject gives us deep knowledge about it and also renders the wisdom to deal with anything related to it.

A person who has a habit of reading can never get bored or feel lonely. Books are our best companions. They are always there by our side selflessly without demanding anything in return. Boredom can never touch a person who develops reading habit. All he needs is a good book to give him company. Numerous books on varied subjects are available in the market and in libraries around the world. The more we read, the more we get to know as to which field interests us more. This can play an important and positive role in determining our career choice.

Fictional books acquaint us with numerous characters and put forward various situations. We are faced with various kinds of hypothetical situations while reading these books. They give us the wisdom to deal with different situations in different ways. Reading takes us into a fantasy world and helps in boosting up our creativity. It goes without saying that the more books we read the more words we learn and this improves our vocabulary. It is a good idea to underline the new words we encounter while reading and look for their meaning side by side to widen our vocabulary. Reading books also improves our reading skills. The more we read the more fluent and faster we get at it. Besides, a person who is well-read is good at writing as well.

This is because he possesses a rich vocabulary and has better ideas as reading widens knowledge and enhances creativity. As mentioned above, reading enhances our knowledge. A person who is more knowledgeable is certainly more confident. He is better off when it comes to participating in group discussions, debate and quiz competitions as well as during interviews. Reading gives us a new perspective about various things. The best way to defend your thesis statement is to choose memorable direct quotes from the book to back up your stance on the work. Your thesis must be insightful enough and must have a very clear counter-argument. For instance, if in the book you believe that the protagonist left his lover because of the tragic upbringing and not because of infidelity and are sure that this argument can sustain your essay, you should sate your stance about hat idea.

In most cases, thesis statements are written as the last sentences of the introduction paragraph. With your thesis statement intact, you already have your thoughts organized. You also have a very good approach that you are going to apply when writing essays on a book. This is where you start throwing a spanner into the works. One of the best tricks to know how to write an essay for a book is to grab the attention of the audience from the start; your opening sentence should be striking enough to have the audience drooling for more. This is where you give the background of the book as we as its author. Close your introduction with your thesis statement.

This will serve as a reminder to the audience of what the work is all about. It is also a transitional way of introducing the audience to the first topic sentence you are going to talk about in the first paragraph of the body. To write excellent body paragraphs for your essays on a book, you have to present all your arguments. These arguments can never be discussed in a single paragraph. You should divide them into points; then make them topic sentences, each of which takes a single paragraph. The work is to ensure that the topic sentence that you formulate relates to your thesis statement. Remember that everything you are writing here must relate to the book that you are analyzing.

The evidence that you use per paragraph must come from the book. This can be direct quotes or paraphrases that are duly cited. The relevance of the points you make relies on how they connect to the central argument. As such, one of the ways to know how to write an essay on a book It ensures that he pieces of evidence and information you use are strong enough to prove your claims about the book, since you are trying to tell the audience if the book is worth it or not, you should be very convincing enough. Analyze, interpret, and present specific themes within the book. It can be themes, character motivations, rising actions, and all other elements of the book that you think will adequately support the central theme of your essay.

This should happen for every paragraph you write. If you have three body paragraphs, ensure they have distinct evidence from the book as support, and by far, they should help you prove what you want the audience to know. Remember that you are trying to give an honest opinion that is based on facts, albeit from your point of view. As such, work hard to defend it. Another tip of knowing how to write an essay on a book is that you have to use transition. This enhances the flow of your ideas. The audience can follow how you organize your thoughts easily. This not only adds to the readability of your paper but also positions you to get a good grade in the end. The smooth transition from claim to claim makes it easier for the audience to piece all your positions together.

They will see the value of your argument. The idea o using transitions is no only used when writing essays on a book, but also in other academic writing tasks. Transitions make your essay more cohesive, thereby achieving its goal easily. This is the last chance you have of making a lasting impression on your audience. It is a time tom wrap the work and ensures that the audience is left with something to think about. The conclusion of your essays on a book allows you to restate your thesis statement. When doing so, you are not necessarily writing it verbatim as it is I the introduction.

Some other words that do not negate its meaning in the first place. More so, you can also summarize the points that you have discussed in the body of your essays on book. Emphasize more on the significance of the work. Let the audience know if you are going to recommend it for them. However, the concludes is no to place where you can introduce new evidence or facts or anything else that you ave not discussed on the body of your paper. That would be too much and rightly so because it would go through the readers into confusion. For you to ensure you have covered everything well in that paper, revise everything. You can go through it to ensure you have covered everything you wanted in it. The idea is to ensure that the paper represents your points well.

It is also a way to check whether you have covered all the aspects outlined by your instructor. Rest assured that you would have achieved a very crucial goal of writing a review about a literary work. Once you are satisfied with your revision and proofreading , you can prepare the final copy of your wok. Those are the simple points you need to know on how to write an essay for a book. If there are problems with the assignment, you can always trust our online writing services. We shall help you with his assignment and many more. Trust our services and enjoy good grades henceforth.

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