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Desdemona essay

Desdemona essay

Othello desdemona essay a grievous sin in the play but when we look at the facts, it is easy to see desdemona essay he did it. Shakespeare keeps us guessing about Othello's true nature by making him appear good in the beginning of the play but allowing us to see his true nature only after he kills Desdemona. Works Cited "The Compete Text of Othello. Coles, desdemona essay, Robert. Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on… Works Cited Bloom, Harold.

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Othello — Desdemona as Representation of Power and Possession. Any subject. Any type of essay. In fact, Desdemona is a foil and a catalyst who wields power over men who desire her. The male characters in Desdemona essay want to control Desdemona because possession of a woman like Desdemona gives them status and a sense of power; she drives them desdemona essay commit acts of rage, pride, and jealousy. He is a Venetian senator and favors Othello, the Moorish general of the Venetian forces. But when his daughter, Desdemona, decides to marry Othello, desdemona essay, he is outraged.

Brabantio has objectified Desdemona, as exemplified by the way he imposes certain qualities upon her. According to him, desdemona essay, she has years, country, and credit — all qualities that he, desdemona essay, as an old senator, desdemona essay, possesses more himself than does Desdemona. Brabantio also claims Desdemona feared to look at Othello, which is plainly untrue. Brabantio thereby reveals that he has been secretly afraid of Othello and projects this fear onto Desdemona. Also, Brabantio is concerned about Desdemona more because of how she affects his reputation than anything else. As long as Desdemona is a pretty trifle to show off — like a fancy handkerchief — Brabantio is pleased with her.

The desdemona essay Othello gains by marrying Desdemona is the power of assimilation into Venetian society. He has desdemona essay been accepted by the other important men as a great general and talented storyteller, but not as one of them. When he marries Desdemona, he becomes a part of society, but his station is artificial because it is only provided by his marriage to Desdemona. When Desdemona drops the handkerchief in Act III, desdemona essay, Scene 3, desdemona essay, she unknowingly signals the point of the desdemona essay at which she begins to lose Othello to blind jealousy. The handkerchief becomes an extension of the power that Desdemona used to embody, desdemona essay.

His whole plan is to point out to Othello that Cassio has the handkerchief, therefore proving to Othello that Cassio and Desdemona are engaging in an affair. Just like the handkerchief, Iago is not what he seems. Iago makes himself appear like a dutiful ensign, when in desdemona essay, he is evil and cunning. He would otherwise be an unimportant person in the world of Desdemona and Othello, just as the handkerchief would be an unimportant object if Iago did not imbue it with importance as the center of his plans. Iago is motivated by his admiration of Desdemona, yet his jealousy provokes him to sabotage her by making her husband suspicious of her.

When Iago has the handkerchief, he also has Desdemona. Perhaps Othello never told her that if she lost it, he would loathe her because he wanted to use the handkerchief as a test of her love. In the same conversation, Desdemona accuses Othello of introducing the topic of the handkerchief as a means of distracting her from their previous discussion, in which she was trying to convince him to promote Cassio. He feels he must act, and nearly kills Cassio. She denies ever giving the handkerchief to Cassio, saying Cassio probably found it after she dropped it. Othello does not believe her, and smothers her to death. In killing Desdemona, Othello destroys any sense of power he previously had. Desdemona is a foil for the male characters in the play, emphasizing their masculine characteristics.

Brabantio gains the desdemona essay of reputation from Desdemona by being her father. The power Desdemona and the handkerchief represent are killed when Desdemona is smothered. Othello dies, and Iago is captured and probably killed after the end of the play. Othello ends in tragedy because the male characters do not actually exhibit personal power. Instead, desdemona essay, they must seek artificial power from an outside source, such as a woman or an object. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying desdemona essay not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails, desdemona essay.

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Due to the fact that he is black he is considered as an outsider. He is influenced by his surroundings and this reflects in his personality and language. At the beginning his speeches are eloquent but this deteriotes in Act 3 and 4. While it is difficult to argue that Othello is noble in…. Explain the effect of dramatic techniques employed by Shakespeare in the construction of the pivotal Scene 3 in Act 3. Behind the face is a retained or damaged soul. William Shakespeare clearly shows the true identities of the characters of Othello during their times of greatness.

The themes that are thoroughly portrayed throughout the story and the temper of certain characters end up in a killing spree. The advancement in ranking ends up in a…. I think Shakespeare gives us a full picture of what sort of a character Iago is, so that we are…. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Writers William Shakespeare Desdemona. Essays on Desdemona We found 13 free papers on Desdemona. How is Othello portrayed in Act 1?

Desdemona Othello. She hath deceived her father and may thee. It is her naivety that becomes her tragic flaw. She is virtuous and simple to an extent that it leads her to a catastrophic fate as she seems too innocent to be true. When Othello calls her sinful, she cannot deal with it reasonably as someone who could expect it. In such a time of bewilderment, she hopes to regain love with truth. It is hard for her to realise that love can be threatened with any weakness and her own loyalty could not bind her marriage. She blames herself after being strangled by Othello to death.

The character of Desdemona is true and modest. Good is all that she knows. When they arrive in Cyprus, the men who work under Othello speak of her with the utmost admiration. With her character, Shakespeare reminds us of the vulnerability of being saint-like, of being unaware of the filth the world caries within itself. She may be wise in her faith but not worldly-wise.

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