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Example of analogy essay

Example of analogy essay

He begins with the most basic form, which is the idea that "I conclude that other human…. Journal of Business Ethics, However, example of analogy essay, other than the temporal difference, feedback loops provide many of the same essential functions in both realms. That failure to build a body of pedagogy around distance education and learning has probably done more…. cutbacks in the police force having absolutely nothing to do with guns and gun control one way or the other.

Ideas for a Paragraph, Essay, or Speech Developed With Analogies

We use cookies to enhance our website for you, example of analogy essay. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. The array of written assignments you might receive while studying Analogy is stunning. If some are too challenging, an expertly crafted sample Analogy piece on a related topic might lead example of analogy essay out of a deadlock, example of analogy essay. This is when you will definitely acknowledge WowEssays. com ever-widening directory of Analogy essay samples meant to catalyze your writing enthusiasm. Our directory of free college paper samples showcases the most vivid instances of excellent writing on Analogy and related topics.

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I was quite rebellious and most of the times I would simply pretend to go up the stairs and then snick to a nearby arcade with friends once our family car drove out of sight. I was perfectly content with the way things were Read more War English Thinking Writing Competition Skills Violence Education Battle Opponent Law Psychology 7 Pages Mental Health Issues in Correction System Article Sample The prison system that currently exists today offers a retribution measure instead of corrective actions to assert and ensure that the convicted assailants, after serving their prison time, could go back to the community as responsible individuals. While this is the case, a documentary featured in and documents a different role of prisons. Aside from housing convicted individuals, it also serves as a modern day asylum for mentally-ill individuals convicted of committing a crime against society.

I am writing this memo as my personal take on the existing problem regarding the release of convicted mentally-ill individuals to the society after serving Read more Criminal Example of analogy essay Social Issues Psychology Health Prison Medicine Crime Documentary System People Time Mental Health 7 Pages International and Global Operations in Heineken Inc Dissertation Sample What is the impact of effective formulation and implementation of strategies for venturing in international and global operations in Heineken Inc? Global business strategy depicts the process under which organizations assesses the future prospects of the firm towards achieving its objectives.

Every successful organization engages in strategic planning plus those with global business operations as they seek to example of analogy essay themselves towards taking full advantage of the worldwide trend and opportunities. The notion behind the strategic decisions is normally based on the specific objectives, power, relationships, performance, economic and resources, technological, social and cultural result in change of the strategy. International strategy embraces the determination based on the correct balance between the global standardization and the integration plus the local responsiveness, example of analogy essay.

Read more Strategy Innovation World Control Company Marketing Market Study Business Education Strategies Organization 17 Pages The Morality of Abortion Essay Samples A. Thomson presents the case of the sick violinist in his defense of abortion. The proposition identifies that an individual wakes up in the morning and is next to an unconscious violinist Thomson Assuming that a plugged connection that saves their life is the only way that the violinist will live, the question arises whether there is a moral obligation to the individual to sustain lie for the violinist despite the personal atrophy that is simultaneously caused Thomson In this case it is evident that the violinist does not have a right to life and medical assistance just because Note that these two authors are seasoned artists, writers, critics, and curators.

Being middlemen, themselves, the two authors aim to defend the idea that middlemen play a more significant role in shaping the example of analogy essay of production — that middlemen help bring modernity and creativity in the style of production. Read more Literature Management Music Media Creativity Evidence Government Time Production Style Middleman Producer 3 Pages Example Of Course Work On Gender Roles In The Taming Of The Shrew Perhaps one of the more interesting elements of the plays of William Shakespeare is that his romances typically do not progress as one might expect, example of analogy essay.

Instead, he uses peculiar situations, such as identical twins falling in love in the same city, fairies casting spells on mortals, and women falling in love with women dressed as men. Appropriately, his comedy The Taming of the Shrew is no different. In this play, Petruchio tries to woo and tame the outspoken and domineering Katharina so that Lucentio or one of the other suitors might be able to marry her younger sister Bianca, example of analogy essay. There is a scene where he sees a vehicle and he suspects that the person inside may be a drug trafficker, example of analogy essay. Read more Drugs Health Medicine Thinking Disease Illness Cocaine Bachelor's Degree People Crack Ratio Analogy 1 Page Example Of Macroeconomics Course Work DQ 1.

The Circular Flow in Economics. It is defined as the flow of payment in the economy in a circular motion where the end point goes back to the starting point in an infinite cycle. It can be demonstrated in several ways even with nature. Water cycle for instance works the same way. The water on land evaporates and brought up to the atmosphere forming clouds. As soon as the cloud gets heavy, the water vapor condenses and falls back to land in a form of either water or snow and the same cycle repeats throughout. In economics, the same cycle is composed of three market inputs Read more Economy Social Issues Unemployment Macroeconomics Water Inflation Finance Economics Information Market Bicycle Marketing 5 Pages The Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade Book Review Sample Thomas is married to Vanessa Jebb who comes from a diplomatic family.

Thomas Hugh was a professor of History at University of Readings from InThomas High was the Director of the Center for Policy Studies in London. In his argument, Thomas Hugh presents an argument that is usually pro-European and conservative. In the book Slave Trade: The Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade, Thomas traces history from He begins with the Portuguese Read more Business Literature Europe Books Commerce Trade Slavery Capitalism Thomas Slave Slave Trade People 10 Pages Course Work On Empiricism As The Foundation For Knowledge Philosophy questions. In other words, what exactly are the primary qualities of this object, and what are its secondary qualities?

The idea that the object is a banana to start with, is derived from learning and after the individual has interacted with bananas Read more Psychology Mind Perception Enlightenment Experience Knowledge God Education Banana Perceive Yellow Distinct 4 Pages The Location Of The Solar System In Our Galaxy Course Work Sample The Solar System is located at the spiral arms of our Galaxy example of analogy essay called the Milky Way. It is basically made of the galactic dick, globular clusters and the halo. Scattered below and above the disk are the globular clusters. They are randomly scattered and they orbit in elliptical orbits.

They have little or no gas in them and contain older stars than in the disk. The halo is the dim region that surrounds the whole galaxy. There are six spiral arms arising from Introduction Our world is not just made up of different nations with different governments. There are also many religions that have their own ideology and scriptures that they teach to their followers. One of these religions that cover billions of followers is Islam, example of analogy essay. Many Muslims are devoted to their religion to which they are also guided by the law that makes Islam a very significant religion among others.

This is law is called the Shari'a Law. Thus, some other people may think of Read more Muslim Islam Law Religion Middle East Church Belief People Life Islamic Law Relationships Lifestyle 8 Pages Unintentional Power In The Design Of Computer Systems Example of analogy essay Work Examples The paper of Chuck Huff, fellow of the Psychology Department, St. His paper was a wake-up call to everybody in both software and hardware developers to be very careful in the design aspect of their modules. This is to help trim down the events that Read more Disaster Atomic Bomb Computers Design Ethics Software Organization Sony ACM American Football Rocket System 10 Pages Free An Affirmative Statement About Birthday Gifts Thesis Sample The birthday parties are always conducted in at least a bigger percentage of the people in our generation now, example of analogy essay, in those parties, there are gifts that are given to the host of the party, in the thesis we will try to take a survey of those colorful gifts that are brought example of analogy essay the ceremony.

In most of the western cultures and societies the very colorful decorations accompany the United States and Australia particularly. The parties that are held to commemorate one's birthday many times, for instance, the balloons and sometimes the streamers. The birthday cake, a crucial element of any birthday celebration Read more Gift Value Birthday Instance Karl Marx Children Socialism Business Linen Property Birth Obligation 5 Pages Cognitive Psychology Essay Cognitive psychology refers to the study of mind and related mental processes including memory, learning, thought, and perception, example of analogy essay.

It is based on the idea that brain can be example of analogy essay as the complex computing system, example of analogy essay. Cognitive psychology is not only based on working of the mind but also on the constitution of the mind that results in the formation of cognitive theory and related hypotheses. In this study, psychologists try to find the processing of mind in producing a behavior. This field of psychology is comparatively new as compared to other branches of psychology. However, its foundations can be extended back Read more Psychology Brain Behavior Cognitive Psychology Intelligence Mind Theory Processing Observation Virtual Reality Technology Artificial Intelligence 2 Pages The Mind Of The Maker Course Work Examples In the article, Sayers argues that everythijng that man encounters will try to get the real picture of it using analogies.

Since we have not seen God, man has tried different analogies to compare God so that he gets the real pictiure of Him. Although the Jews tried as amuch as possible to discourage this behaviour, man has never ceased to compare God and think of Him in terms of analogies. If man is to stop comparing God with analogies, it is a way of telling man not to think of God. From time to time, example of analogy essay, man has been Read more Art Family Information Parents God Skills World Thinking System Father Artists Universe 5 Pages Essay On Critical Analysis Report Form For Opposing Opinion Articles 1.

Author and major thesis of the Yes side. The authors of the Yes side are Marion Nestle and Michael F. They argue that a public health approach is needed to encourage Americans to eat a healthy diet. Author and major thesis of the No side. The author of the No side is Michelle Cottle who argues that the relationship between Americans and food are too complex and nonnutritious foods should not be regulated. State in your own words two facts presented by the Yes side. Food consumption should be regulated since Read more Business Smoking Taxes Stereotypes Commerce Food Marketing Obesity Industry Literature Consumption Increase 4 Pages Good Critical Thinking About Analogical Reasoning And Concept Formation The number of analogies that are required to sufficiently describe an object depend on how complex the object is.

For example, you may need to use one analogy to describe the object's appearance, example of analogy essay, but another analogy is necessary to describe the object's function. For most objects that we come across in real life, one or two analogies is usually sufficient to accurately portray them. An object such as a vase can be compared to one other object like a flower pot and that analogy is usually enough to explain the object's appearance and function. One object that may need multiple Read more Atomic Bomb Nuclear Weapon Atom Analogy Relationships People Nucleus Solar Energy Solar System System Function Appearance 1 Page Essay On A Critical Thinking Handbook Abstract.

The goal of critical thinking is the development of thinking skills.

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Using analogy as a teaching strategy allows being familiar to something that is unknown or unfamiliar. This strategy allows students to contemplate and analyze things or situations and associate it in It shows the time of caliphs in Islamic history who applied the Prophetic model by following Prophet Muhammad P. H in his footsteps and presented this correct way of life to people. So all those Muslims who were guided by these caliphs and they lived their life as per Prophetic model also became part of salaf. Islam spread under the authority of different Muslim dynasties from Ummayad to Abbasid. Salfism took theological meaning and then it was known as ahlal-Hadith during caliphate of Abbasid.

During his But philosophy explores the opportunity to critically analyze these issues awhile looking at all angles. People will often make assumptions about what they see, what they feel and generally about their own experiences as well as those of others. Read more Philosophy Education Reality Color Life Information World Knowledge Appearance People Data Item 6 Pages Analyze Two Speeches Essay English. Devoid from the rhetorical devices the speeches of these presenters might not have been as memorable as they have become. Both speeches were for a completely different audience and were made on a strikingly different occasions and contain divergent messages.

Yet, both presenters were masterfully able to employ the devices of verbal and nonverbal communication rightly suited to their respective occasion and for their respective audience. King strengthened his speech by using a very interesting analogy. He described the reason to Read more Speech Message Communication Martin Luther King Body Language Public Relations Audience Rhetoric People Dreams Social Issues Quality 6 Pages Lyrical Analysis Of Psalms 23 Essay Samples In the Bible, David is most famous for defeating the Philistine giant Goliath but he also wrote many of the Psalms. Psalms 23 is a favorite of healers and devote worshipers because of the message of protection and love it carries. Although the date of the poem is unknown, the message of the poem is clear—with the Lord as his protector, David will not want for any necessity he needs to live.

In addition, Psalms 23 illustrates the belief that by completely trusting God and having confidence in his plan, David can get through any situation he may find Read more Security Poetry Life Love God Literature Poem Message Flock Bible Valley Analogy 2 Pages Free Marketing And Management Law Case Study Sample PART 1. Summary The copyright laws and right of ownership are controversial as different players or parties debate on the issue. The photographer decision to sell the images to some of the leading search engines companies went viral with Wikipedia being the last resort.

The implications on the Australian laws as the wrangles between the photographer request for the removal of the photos from Wikipedia unfolded. The respective entities entailed refusal of Wikipedia to remove the Read more Law Invention Samsung Photography Copyright Law Steve Jobs Apple Company Copyright Patent Australia Issue 8 Pages Example Of Essay On Analyze Two Speeches English. Read more Speech Message Communication Martin Luther King Body Language Public Relations Audience Rhetoric People Dreams Social Issues Quality 6 Pages Euthyphro And Socrates Argumentative Essay Example Euthyphro defines piety as what the gods love. However, Socrates, who is under the charge of impiety, disagrees with this definition. The argument is based on this disagreement, as well as the definition by division.

In this case, Socrates asks Euthyphro to provide another word that comes after piety. Socrates uses this strategy to provide counter arguments on the definitions provided. For this definition, Socrates recognizes that it is of a universal nature but criticizes it on the account that the gods may disagree on the basis of what is good and pleasing to them. In this case, different gods Organizations need to align the respective changes within their operational policy through a set dynamic framework. Failure of the organization to implement a dynamic framework to align or address the respective changes is likely to have marginal implications hence the need for planned organizational change Gerhardt, The planned organizational change is termed as the process which moves organizations from a present state to a more desirable future state in relation to enhancing the organizational effectiveness.

Through the different frameworks and models, organizations are able to conduct organizational development and change Read more Leadership Walmart Company Development Strategy Organization Market Vision Marketing Workplace Competition Challenges 16 Pages Good Essay About Johnnie Walker: Market Analysis Marketing objectives. Although Johnnie Walker is a global brand, based on the identified problems in assignment 1, the company needs to implement strategic approaches to building more on brand competitiveness in the global market hence increasing sales. These objectives are achievable through building on the current strategies embraced by the organization. The organization can achieve this through building on the product attributes which include; deep-complex flavor, age and time, power and refinement, and Malt Whiskey among others.

Furthermore, the characteristics of the brand such as heritage, passion and luxury, international, Diageo are some of the features of the brand that can be Read more Business Marketing Company Market Strategy Brand World Competition Strategies Products Competitive Edge Edge 6 Pages Sample Essay On Letter From A Birmingham Jail Aristotle one of the greatest Hellenistic philosophers of Antiquity originated with the various means of classifying persuasion. Finally, logos persuade by reasoning and logic. Martin Luther King, Baptist Minister, in a letter from a Birmingham jail demonstrated keen and sublime mastery of these means of persuasion. Read more Persuasion Martin Luther King Prison Rhetoric Crime Thinking Socrates Supreme Court People Condemning Letter Appeal 2 Pages Role Of Religion In Understanding Culture Essays Example International Business.

Question One: Implications of cultural literacy on business location Cultural literacy may be defined as the development of awareness through the acquisition of knowledge on matters that relate to a particular culture. In that regard, such knowledge is fundamental in ensuring the sustainability of relationships during cultural interaction. In essence, international corporations such as Multinational Corporations MNCs should be culturally literate. The need for cultural literacy for MNCs has direct implications on their costs of business.

Hence, it is important for the management of an MNC to carry out substantive research that would help divulge issues regarding cultural dynamics. Read more Belief Business Thinking Development Understanding Society Religion Culture Cultures People Context Literacy 6 Pages Why Race In America Is A Social Construct, Not Reality Essay Samples Few would argue that Race in America has been one of the biggest social issues since the founding of our country. Race defines politics, socio-economic status, educational and employment opportunities.

That is to say, America is a country where race issues and discrimination about race has always been present. Read more United States Color Discrimination Bias America Race Human Stereotypes People Hurston White Racism 5 Pages Essay On Socrates And The Apology Analysis of Argument of Who Improves the Lives of Young People in Apology 24dc. The analysis of this paper looks at Socrates defense that he does not corrupt the youth of Athens. Specifically, the paper examines the passage from Apology 24dc. First the conclusion of the argument Socrates makes is prefaced by the accusation that Socrates has been charged with corruption of the youth and not believing in the gods the city of Athens believes 24b.

It is helpful to separate between Socrates argument, and the argument Socrates Read more Law Corruption Greece Youth Socrates Life Athens Teenagers Men People Horses Crime 5 Pages Example Of Corporate Governance Literature Review Introduction. The essence of effective and efficient leadership and governance is one of the emerging aspects that are compelling organizations to embrace such strategies to achieve a competitive advantage Bai, The increase on capital markets competition plus the demand on different markets based issues are some of the major factors forcing corporations to develop effective and efficient strategies on positioning their corporations in global competitive position.

This depicts need to ensure corporate governance forms a critical entity in relation to defining the competitiveness of the organization. Through conducting a detailed literature review on corporate governance, the paper seeks to offer a clear The story is set in the period after World War II and in the middle of the revolution of the culture and politics that changes the entire country. In the story, the unnamed narrator wants to move beyond the traditional musical conventions towards the radical new movement. The story This extends to his portrayal of women in his literary works; while he focused primarily on works of dramatic theory rather than writing stories himself, these books are nonetheless the expression of his thoughts on women as a species, particularly as they relate to the overall condition of man of which he was so concerned.

Read more Apollo Tragedy Women Theater Accident Nature Gender Nietzsche Feminine ECCE Birth Men 6 Pages Good Essay About Logical Fallacies Logical fallacies is a term that depicts the mistake of the reason of premise followed by a conclusion. The study of fallacies enables us to unleash the false reckoning and the reason behind the reading. From academic perception, the information greatly attributes in the development of authentic research that is constructively aligned with associated research and information. In the course of our day to day activities there are chances that we commit many fallacies without noticing.

Read more Thinking Influence Russia Food Fallacy Appeal Life Supreme Court Evidence Paul Analogy Discussion 6 Pages Logical Fallacies Essay Sample In the course of our day to day activities, there are chances that we commit many fallacies without noticing. However, knowledge of the common fallacies could be useful in avoiding those fallacies. For example, there are various fallacies perpetuated in both the print and the electronic media. The author of the article commits Dicto Simpliciter. The source for the research has been decided after an extensive search on the topic. The main issue about selecting a reliable and comprehensive source was to go for an article which would have a clear picture about the analogy.

This article in context has all the descriptions which prove the relation between the text and the film. The source which has been used as a reference for this Read more Poseidon Odysseus Cinema Sea Water The Odyssey Film Character Homer Art Audience Brother 4 Pages Good Example Of Media Industry-Al Jazeera Report Al Jazeera. The firm emerged after the new Emir of Qatar Shaykh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani bought the Arabic TV division of the Broadcasting Corporation News Service BBC Aljazeera, Under that period, BBC had been in endless efforts towards developing an all Arabic television station by pursuing an acquisition with a state Saudi owned Orbit Radio and Television Service with no success.

This was based on the failure of the two organizations to agree on some of the issues attached to the new Arguably, nobody felt the dawn of the nuclear age greater than Japan following the devastation and chaos caused by the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. First-hand accounts of the bombings were frightening; people screaming, fleeing, desperate to find cover, while a blinding light and a sudden blazing heat suddenly filled the air, followed swiftly by an ominous roar, a steady rumble would follow, The issue one runs into more often than not is what can a manager Read more Entrepreneurship Business Management Workplace Company Employee Human Resource Management Commerce Corporation Employment Participation Teamwork 10 Pages Analyzing Kings Rhetorical Strategies Essay Examples Steve King believes that English should be the national language of the United States of America.

He advances a number of arguments from a variety of perspectives and considerations that make his case for why English should be the dominant language of the United States. A close analysis shows that even though many of his arguments are compelling, he employs a number of fallacies and oversimplifications in order to convince those reading his article why English should be the official and undisputed national language of the United States. King begins his article not by advances his argument, but by appealing to Read more English United States America Nation Culture Linguistics Supreme Court Spain Language Appeal Claim Speaking 4 Pages Good Example Of Research Paper On Association Of Southeast Asian Nations Asean Introduction. The study on economic development can be traced back in the earliest at the end of the Second World War were the respective academics and policy developers are largely debated the essence role of the public policy of some of the developing economies.

It is evident based on the economic progress and the percentage of growth that the respective nations on Asia have recorded since that period. East Asia is one of the regions where the respective nations have recorded a one of the world economies and were being able to sustain economic growth and development. Menom, not only Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Type of Paper. Essay Topics. Educational Tools. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. Need more Analogy essay examples? GET MORE PAPERS. English versus Me Essays Examples. Read more. Mental Health Issues in Correction System Article Sample. The prison system that currently exists today offers a retribution measure instead of corrective actions to assert and ensure that the convicted assailants, after serving their prison time, could go back to the community as responsible individuals.

Criminal Justice. Social Issues. Mental Health. International and Global Operations in Heineken Inc Dissertation Sample. What is the impact of effective formulation and implementation of strategies for venturing in international and global operations in Heineken Inc? Abstract Global business strategy depicts the process under which organizations assesses the future prospects of the firm towards achieving its objectives. The Morality of Abortion Essay Samples. Remarks on Mediation and Production by Soren Andreasen and Lars Bang Larsen Critical Thinkings Example. Example Of Course Work On Gender Roles In The Taming Of The Shrew. Perhaps one of the more interesting elements of the plays of William Shakespeare is that his romances typically do not progress as one might expect.

Nannie Jeter Course Work Example. Bachelor's Degree. Example Of Macroeconomics Course Work. The Circular Flow in Economics It is defined as the flow of payment in the economy in a circular motion where the end point goes back to the starting point in an infinite cycle. The Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade Book Review Sample. Thomas is married to Vanessa Jebb who comes from a diplomatic family. Slave Trade. Course Work On Empiricism As The Foundation For Knowledge. The Location Of The Solar System In Our Galaxy Course Work Sample. The Solar System is located at the spiral arms of our Galaxy is called the Milky Way.

Black Hole. Middle East. Islamic Law. Unintentional Power In The Design Of Computer Systems Course Work Examples. The paper of Chuck Huff, fellow of the Psychology Department, St. Atomic Bomb. American Football. Free An Affirmative Statement About Birthday Gifts Thesis Sample. The birthday parties are always conducted in at least a bigger percentage of the people in our generation now, in those parties, there are gifts that are given to the host of the party, in the thesis we will try to take a survey of those colorful gifts that are brought in the ceremony. Karl Marx. Cognitive Psychology Essay. Cognitive psychology refers to the study of mind and related mental processes including memory, learning, thought, and perception. Cognitive Psychology.

Virtual Reality. Artificial Intelligence. The Mind Of The Maker Course Work Examples. In the article, Sayers argues that everythijng that man encounters will try to get the real picture of it using analogies. Essay On Critical Analysis Report Form For Opposing Opinion Articles. Good Critical Thinking About Analogical Reasoning And Concept Formation. The number of analogies that are required to sufficiently describe an object depend on how complex the object is. Nuclear Weapon. Solar Energy. Solar System. An analogy is a connection between things that are otherwise dissimilar. Statistics and facts are much more supportive than surveys and analogies.

She uses analogies to illustrate why, in times of rape and failed contraception, abortion should be allowed. She uses the analogy of a violinist to illustrate her point. Thomson uses the analogy of people seeds to show more clearly why abortion is o. in this case. She again uses an analogy to make her point. She has a problem with Thomson's ideas on failed contraception and the analogy of the violinist though. This analogy of the family provides a real basic example almost everyone can relate to. In this analogy, Rousseau makes the assumption that a child is not equal to his parents from birth. Rousseau uses the family analogy to relate to the reader and to show that he is down to earth. This family analogy sets up his real argument against the controversial subject of slavery.

Overall, Rousseau does a good job in interesting the reader using analogies and aphorisms to tie into the reader's emotions. Type a new keyword s and press Enter to search. Analogy Word Count: Approx Pages: 2 Save Essay View my Saved Essays Downloads: 33 Grade level: High School Login or Join Now to rate the paper. Essays Related to Analogy 1. Word Count: Approx Pages: 2. Ethnographic Analogy Of The! Kung San People. Word Count: Approx Pages: 5 Has Bibliography Grade Level: High School. Family: The Oldest and Only Natural Form of Government. Word Count: Approx Pages: 3 Grade Level: High School. Family: The Oldest And Only Natural Form Of Government. Anne Roiphe. Word Count: Approx Pages: 1 Grade Level: Undergraduate.

The Analogical Teleological Argument of Paley. Start with a statement like "Growing up is like learning to ride a bike. Write a paragraph discussing the explained. Start with a statement that gives an overview of what the two shares. Then explain the steps of the explained in a way that parallels the explainer. Discuss the differences. Sometimes there is a very important aspect of the explained that does not match up with the explainer. For example, in the above essay, you eventually completely learn to ride a bike, but you never stop growing up and learning new things. You may want to draw attention to this important distinction. Review your choice of words for denotation and connotation. The allure of analogies is such that they can lend themselves to exaggeration.

Fight this tendency, as it will only jeopardize your credibility.

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