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Academic achievement essay

Academic achievement essay

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Academic Achievement This unit will help you: use your prior knowledge to help you understand what you are reading; practice reading for a specific purpose; make decisions about the relevance of a text in terms of reading purpose; read selectively in order to use appropriate information from the text. It is based on three major research projects carried out in the United States. The influence of class size on academic achievement — The best essay writers are ready to impress your teacher. Make an order now!

Task 1: Predicting text content Think about what academic achievement essay can have an influence on the academic achievement of the students in a school, academic achievement essay, college, or university. Influence on academic performance Resources available e. Student motivation Rating 1. Then compare your list and ratings with a partner. Focus task. Your reason for reading Academic achievement essay is to get some background information to help you write the following essay, academic achievement essay. English for academic study 18 Academic Achievement 1 Task 2: Reading for a purpose 2. Do you think that the text will be useful for writing an assignment about academic achievement? Share academic achievement essay conclusions with another student, academic achievement essay.

Read the introduction to Text lines 1— As you read, try to make up your mind about how useful this text might be for your purpose. When you have finished reading, circle academic achievement essay complete the following sentence. Do you think that smaller class sizes help to improve academic performance? Circle your answer then write one reason for your choice below. Read lines 67— and check the points mentioned in the text. What does anecdotal mean? Try to guess the meaning of this word by looking carefully at the whole sentence. If academic achievement essay ideas in this paragraph are anecdotal, think about how seriously you should take them into account when writing your assignment.

With a partner, compare and justify your choice of information for all four questions, academic achievement essay. Study tip It can be very helpful to recognize why the writer has written a text, or a section of a text, i. Function a To persuade the readers to accept a certain point of view. b To explain the importance of using research data instead of anecdotal explanations. c To evaluate the importance of the research carried out into the effect of classroom size on academic achievement. d To describe the research method used in various parts of the US into the effect of classroom size on academic achievement, academic achievement essay.

a to summarize the content of the text b to outline the content of certain relevant research c to explain the importance of the STAR project d to compare the data from research about class size Rating Task 5: Understanding referencing in texts Referencing in a text is a way of linking words and ideas together, thus making the text more cohesive and easier to understand. The following activity will provide practice in this important skill. What information or idea in the text do the words these findings refer to? a The US Department of Education b The National Assessment of Educational Progress c Project STAR Study tip An effective reader makes use of referencing in a text to gain a clear understanding of what the author wishes to convey.

Complete the list below, using a similar note form, academic achievement essay. a b c d e Text A case study: Shining star p, academic achievement essay. Find a short phrase that best summarizes this conclusion. Answer true or false and add the line number from where you found the answer. a Better academic performance in small-sized classes. b Students benefit at an early stage in small classes. line number line number line number c Students later continue to perform well in normal-sized classes.

d Average students make the most progress, academic achievement essay. e Minority groups gained the most significant benefits. line number line number f On average, ethnic minority students improved by one-fifth of standard deviation, academic achievement essay. line number 6. in Ex 6. Put a check when Hanushek agrees and a cross when he disagrees, academic achievement essay. Discuss your answer with a partner. Text The Asian paradox: Huge classes, high scores p. Read lines 1—65 of Text As you read, academic achievement essay to highlight ideas that might be useful for the Focus task.

What one word in the text lines 17—35 gives a reason for this Asian paradox? Task 8: Thinking critically about the text 8. Are there any new influences you want to add to the table, and any you want to delete? Influence on academic performance Rating 8. Task 9: Making use of the academic achievement essay You now have some information that may help with the Focus task that you will be given in order to complete Unit 1 academic achievement essay English for academic study: Writing, if you are studying that course. understanding meaning expertly prior title critically predictions subheadings selectively purpose It is easier to read a text if you have some knowledge of the topic that the text is about. This will help you to make and will give you awhich you always need when you read.

Knowing why you are reading and what you are looking for will help you to both enjoy a text and focus on it better. Reading the and any there might be will help you to quickly know if you want to read a text and how useful it will be to you. It is important to readespecially if you are short of time. Some parts of a text will provide the information you need while other parts will be less important. You will usually read a text quickly first to get a general idea of what it is about and then read more carefully for closer and to be able to think about the content. How much prior knowledge do you have of each topic? Academic achievement essay each topic as follows: L — I know a lot about this topic, so I could make plenty of predictions.

S — I know something about this topic, and so I could make a few predictions. a increasing traffic congestion in major cities b special education for children with learning difficulties c the growth in the popularity of baseball in Asian countries d the intelligence of dolphins e the origins of development of paper making English for academic study For web resources relevant to this unit, see: www. This unit will help you: think about the aims of academic study, and how to achieve them; learn about the different stages of the writing process; identify and learn how to cope with difficulties in academic writing; learn how to consider the knowledge and expectations of your reader; think about different approaches to the organization of your ideas.

You will then be able to discuss your views with the rest of the class. What is the aim of academic study? Please check one or more. Check H for High importance, M for Medium importance, L for Low importance. H M L knowing your strengths and weaknesses thinking about how to further develop your abilities thinking about how to approach a particular task using a logical, reasoned approach to study approaching your subject in depth being interested in finding things out learning how to study communicating results successfully Study tip Working with information is a good way of helping you develop ideas. Doing a questionnaire is one example of this, but you can do this yourself by setting clear goals for reading text, academic achievement essay, e. a mechanical exercise groups of grammatically correct sentences the clear expression of ideas, academic achievement essay, knowledge and information a form of academic achievement essay a way of exploring, addressing and expressing academic issues a way of communicating results or information.

H M L reading a lot studying grammar studying vocabulary imitating other writers writing a lot inviting others to comment on your writing going back and thinking again about what you have written rewriting repeatedly until you are satisfied understanding the process of writing meeting the needs of your reader 1. How important do you think the following are when writing academic achievement essay texts? H M L grammatical correctness spelling and punctuation using periods, commas, etc, academic achievement essay. an appropriate style overall organization vocabulary good ideas good use of sources appropriate citation, bibliography relevance of subject content English for academic study response to the task 1.

b when you have finished your first draft? c before you hand in your final draft? What type of academic writing have you done in the past? When you have finished the questionnaire, compare your answers with those of other people in your group. Discuss your answers, and keep notes of the discussion. Do you find that academic achievement essay all have very similar views and experiences? Or are your views and academic achievement essay very different? Are there any general trends among students in the group? Material adapted from White, R. Writing English for academic study series and Richards, R. Presenting critical thinking as a study strategy for UK higher education.

Text 1 Academic achievement pp. This will help you identify information that is relevant to the title of your essay. You might also find that some of the ideas generated by the questionnaire and discussion in Task 1 academic achievement essay help you. Write notes, academic achievement essay, not complete sentences, so that your ideas flow. The order of your ideas is not important at this stage. Study tip Discuss the ideas you have written in Ex 2. Writing down ideas quickly in note form is a very good way of academic achievement essay your understanding.

b When you have decided which ideas you are going to include, organize them into a logical order in a plan. You may want to develop some of the ideas further and you may want to add a new idea. Does the plan follow a logical sequence of ideas?

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Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Students , Success , World , Skills , Life , Sports , Children , Education. Life achievements and success are determined by the number of hurdles an individual is able to jump. Academics is one such hurdle but with many challenges that require intelligence, wisdom, dedication and self motivation, among other aspects. It is the dream of each individual to obtain the highest possible achievement in academics. However, academic success requires one to systematically climb up a ladder from the lowest position and get promotion with each success in the preceding stages I am helpful, diligent, trustworthy and cooperative. I consider myself to be a social person and outgoing. I easily make friends and my temperament is very low.

This aspect has enhanced my inter-relationship with other students in middle school. This has not only helped me to grow but has also increased my leadership skills. My mum is the person who has significantly influenced my life. She is a role model and a strong influence in my life. My mother has suffered parental loss, and what might be one of the hardest things to do, raising 6 kids. She taught me about character; and the values of working hard. She always told me that I could not get somewhere without working hard. She taught me the tough lessons of life that some individuals learn too late or never at all. She did all what she could to get us to higher education even though she never had the chance to attend any college. She loves reading.

She is intelligent and knows a lot of things about life and at all time has her view, for instance, about environment, political problems and so on. She has molded me to the person I am today. Persistence and long-term achievement almost always go hand in hand, especially when a human being attempts what seems impossible to others. My mum used to narrate to me stories about sherry Huang. I read most of sherry Huang books that contained uplifting and encouraging messages. The lessons tucked into her captivatingly illustrated books range from appreciating what you have to helping the environment in practical ways of being loving and tolerant towards others.

During my school life, I relentlessly set high standards and defied many odds to perform better than anybody else. I had an indelible passion for the game of volleyball, and in spite of the piling anticipation for my first middle school volleyball trials, my skills did not tantamount to those of my peers. With months of excessive weight training and preparation over summer I made it to the team. My volleyball experience was quite the rollercoaster ride as I transitioned from a starter to a 12th girl off the bench. In my middle school grade, it was difficult striking a balance between sports and academics.

Thus, my volleyball skills slowly diminished. The coach had already noticed the slopping trend and chided me. I started proving my dogged coach that I deserved to be on the team gain and refused anyone to look at me condescendingly. I finally made it in the list again. I also attended English classes in a nearby school. Moreover, I decided to make my own efforts improving my English skills. Each day, I had to make sure that I learned at least five new English words, learn how they are pronounced and how they are used in constructing correct sentences.

Many were the times I would fail to retain the words I learnt each day, and at least two times I failed to reach the sixty percent mark in two exams. Despite this, I persistently followed my program, and this helped me achieve the English skills I have today. Conflict occurs at all places; at homes, the workplace, leadership and government, there are always issues of disagreement. Conflict is defined as a situation in which two or more parties are in disagreement, whether people or organizations, and in which the disagreement is caused by different views held by the two or more parties. I was once involved in a conflict with my middle school teacher.

A new teacher had just been recruited and demanded that things and duties ought to be run differently. The changes were reactionary in nature since I had to go about my regular duties until the teacher came by and criticized the way I was doing my work. I have always had a passion to become a neurosurgeon and I believe Newark academy is a really good private institute that will help me achieve my goal in life. It will help prepare me for the challenges that I will have to take in life. Academically, I have been a strong-minded and serious person. I always set high expectations and work harder than anybody else in school.

I am also friendly, lively, kindhearted, self-motivated, action oriented, and outgoing. My grades have been constantly above average. I also have excellent written and verbal communication. I am also well acquainted with computers. I am able to share vital information and knowledge with different teams and can arrange group discussions in order to keep up with the education demands of my career. I wish to apply an opportunity for my child to study at Newark Academy. Newark Academy in is precisely what she need to prepare for her profession life.

I am determined that Newark Academy will deliver her to her achievement as best as I plan it to, and can accomplish her ambition of becoming triumphant in the industry through Newark Academy outstanding educational program. I have chosen Newark Academy for my child since it will help her gain the knowledge, tools and skills to identify with the day today activities. Newark Academy will allow her to enjoy the greatest opportunity of pursuing international study. It is a place where almost all nations of the world are represented in the public school scheme by their native speakers. It gives students the chance to familiarize the world.

I therefore believe that my child has what it takes to make it in the Newark Academy. This would help her to establish a firm academic basis for her future. My child is strong willed and a team player that can easily get along with other people. She enjoys challenges she believes in value action and vision. She is a hard worker and a quick learner. She is an outgoing person and her hobbies include watching movies, swimming, reading novels, travelling and dancing. She is an easy going girl that works well with everybody. She enjoy being around different types of individuals and she always like to challenge herself and try to improve at everything she does.

She is an open-minded and inquisitive girl who enjoys doing research and learning new things. She is also an optimist who's driven by positive thinking no matter how hard things are. She always challenge herself to feel better and she gives her all to any kind of work she does and always looking ahead to the next one at hand. We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner. Please note that we cannot guarantee that unsubstantiated claims will be satisfied. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance.

ID Subscribe to WowEssays Premium and get access to over 1 MILLION high-quality downloadable samples. GET ACCESS NOW. Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Type of Paper. Essay Topics. Educational Tools. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. Writing English for academic study series and Richards, R. Presenting critical thinking as a study strategy for UK higher education. Text 1 Academic achievement pp. This will help you identify information that is relevant to the title of your essay. You might also find that some of the ideas generated by the questionnaire and discussion in Task 1 will help you.

Write notes, not complete sentences, so that your ideas flow. The order of your ideas is not important at this stage. Study tip Discuss the ideas you have written in Ex 2. Writing down ideas quickly in note form is a very good way of unlocking your understanding. b When you have decided which ideas you are going to include, organize them into a logical order in a plan. You may want to develop some of the ideas further and you may want to add a new idea. Does the plan follow a logical sequence of ideas? Are the ideas grouped effectively into paragraphs? Is the main idea clear in each paragraph? How many paragraphs will the essay contain? Perhaps the plan needs to be changed or developed more. Note: Remember your plan is your guide; when you think more and start writing, you may need to change it, so keep evaluating it.

Write the first draft of your essay. At this stage, you should try to write between and words. Study tip It is always helpful to get another opinion. This will not only help you improve your essay writing, but also get you used to the idea of modifying and redrafting that is so important in university study. Respond to the questions on the Peer Evaluation Sheet for Unit 1 on page of this book. The phrases below for making polite suggestions should help you to express your comments in a constructive manner. How about this? What about …? Remember: Peer feedback should be supportive and helpful—provide constructive criticism.

Task 3: Microskills: Introductions 3. Study tip EAS Writing contains suggestions for individual work as well as pair, group, and class discussion. Make full use of this varied interaction to develop your ideas. b What should an introduction contain? a Decide which would be the most logical order of these sentences: 1 This growth has created many problems, especially in the capital cities. This essay will discuss the situation that has led to the development of these problems and describe some of them. The population of the world has been growing rapidly over the last thirty years. It will then suggest some possible solutions to the problems and evaluate their viability.

The problems include housing, pollution, unemployment, and food and water shortages. b Compare what you think with another student and also say why you decided on the order you chose. c Together with your partner, try to identify an obvious pattern to the introduction and decide what the function of each sentence is. Write a suitable introduction for each one of them. Note that you are not going to write the whole essay. b Traveling broadens the mind. c The rapid development of electronic communications may mean that people will have fewer social skills. make appropriate changes to the introduction, and other parts, according to your peer feedback session. Study tip Spend time on your introduction as it plays a crucial role in the essay. It should provide the reader with a clear indication of the main areas you are going to discuss.

You have thought about the different stages of the writing process and practiced planning, writing a first draft, and giving peer feedback. You have also looked at how to write effective introductions to your essays. They are all procedures and techniques that form part of the writing process. drafting brainstorming peer feedback organizing ideas adopting a critical stance. a Generating and noting down initial ideas about a topic without ordering them b Putting ideas together in a logical sequence c Deciding on and expressing your viewpoint after examining and judging possible opinions d The process of writing and putting your essay together. Most essays will have two or more drafts and will be revised and edited after each draft. e Comments on your essay from other students 2 Complete the sentences below on writing an academic text using some of the words from Ex 1.

a When you are given a writing task, it is important to start by b When you write the first draft you should. c Before you hand in your final draft 3 After working on this unit, write down ways in your notebook of how you improved your knowledge of academic writing. In the U. Of all the ideas for improving education, 15 few are as simple or attractive as reducing the number of pupils per teacher. With its uncomplicated appeal and lack of a big, powerful group of opponents, class-size reduction has lately developed from a sub20 ject of primarily academic interest to a key political issue. In the United States, more than 20 states and the federal government have adopted policies aimed at decreasing class sizes, and billions of dollars have been 25 spent or committed in the past few years.

The demand for smaller classes is also growing in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and even Japan, whose record of secondary school performance is the envy of 30 most other developed countries. The most obvious drawback to class-size reduction is the huge cost. It requires more teachers, more classrooms, and more classroom equipment and resources. These 35 expenses can dwarf the price of alternative schemes, such as testing teachers or increasing their pay as a means of attracting better candidates. On the other hand, if smaller classes really do work, the economic benefits could be huge.

Finally, some analysts believe that the very youngest age group in smaller classes are more likely to develop good study habits, higher self-esteem and possibly other beneficial cognitive traits— which may very well persist for years, even 95 after the students have gone back to more normal-sized classes. One way investigators have attempted to analyze the effects of class size is by reviewing existing data, such as records kept by the U. Department of Education. These show that between and , the average number of pupils per teacher in American public and private elementary schools fell from In secondary schools, the number also fell, from Of concern, however, is the fact that despite these steep drops in pupil-teacher ratios, the improvement in academic performance was negligible.

Data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress—a series of tests that is the only United States-wide indicator of student knowledge in reading, mathematics, science WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS and other subjects—show no significant OF SMALLER CLASS SIZES? In some specific age and subject categories, such as year-olds and science, Educators have a multitude of explanations performance actually decreased slightly. for why smaller class sizes might be expect70 ed to improve academic performance, although frequently the ideas are anecdotal.

WHAT THE RECORD SHOWS Fewer students in the classroom seem to translate into less noise and disruptive However, these findings do not necessarily 75 behavior from students, which not only gives the teacher more time for class work but mean that class size makes no difference. For a variety of reasons, most researchers, also more freedom to engage students creincluding the writers, pay little attention to atively—by, for example, dividing them into these figures Figure 1. For instance, groups for specific projects. In addition, schools strive for more than just high test 80 smaller classes make it more likely that the teacher can give greater individual attention scores; they also usually try to keep their dropout rate low.

In fact, the dropout rate to struggling students. Smaller classes also for students aged 16—24 fell from 15 to 11 allow teachers to encourage more discuspercent over the period. In other words, much of the benefit of reduced class achievement distribution, a reduction in dropout rate could be expected to pull down size may depend on whether the teachers average test scores in the upper grades. adapt their methods to take advantage of They would accrue not just from the benefits of a better-educated workforce but also from other sources, such as the avoided medical costs and sick days of a healthier, more informed populace. The surge of interest in smaller classes 50 has spurred fresh analyzes of the largest, most conclusive study to date, which took place in Tennessee in the late s.

At the same time, new data are flowing from 55 various initiatives, including the California program and a smaller one in Wisconsin. These results and analyzes are finally offering some tentative responses to the questions that researchers must answer before 60 legislators can come up with policies that make educational and economic sense: Do small classes in fact improve school achievement? If they do, at what age level do they accomplish the greatest good? What kind of 65 students gain the greatest benefit, and most importantly, how great is the benefit? Hi there! Do you need writing help?

Don't wait to submit your instructions! Skip to content. Posted in: Academic Goals , Academic Success , Achievement , Goals , Life , Political Correctness , Politics , Samples , Society , Success February 14,

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