It is in peace time that we have great men, high thoughts and golden deeds. Both Islam and Christianity promote the concept of peace within religious communities and throughout the world, essays on world peace. essay on essays on world peace peace. Christianity has a strong emphasis on peace and peacemaking. In following in the footsteps of the founders the adherents can achieve this inner peace for themselves and so make a difference to themselves and their world. Are we getting closer to world peace?
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In ancient Greek mythology, the three Furies the Erinyes were goddesses of retribution who punished human beings for committing crimes against the natural order. It is long past time for us to awaken to the basic fact that our enslavement, sexual abuse, and killing of billions of cows, chickens, and other fully sentient animals is a dreadful and massive crime against them, essays on world peace, against the Earth and the natural order, and, ultimately, against ourselves. It is time for us to realize that we are indeed being severely punished for this ongoing crime of animal agriculture. Animal agriculture is the hideous spinning fury at the core of our culture, sowing seeds of disease, essays on world peace, and conflict that we can see erupting as essays on world peace oppression and as mental, physical, and social disease virtually everywhere in our world.
To free ourselves from this ongoing punishment that we inflict upon ourselves and each other, we are called to liberate animals from human maltreatment. This is the essential and hidden pre-requisite to peace and freedom. The consequences of failing to understand this basic lesson are multiplying exponentially. As we reduce animals to livestock and as we track, essays on world peace medicate, and exploit them, we inevitably face retribution for these crimes and find ourselves similarly tracked, coerced, and exploited as mere livestock. As the old saying goes, the punishment fits the crime. We are all thus wounded in profound and intractable ways. As discussed in The World Peace Dietmeals are actually rituals that inject into us, without our permission or awareness, a toxic narrative that erodes our compassion, intelligence, and self-respect, essays on world peace.
Because our meals are our most intimate connection with nature and with our culture, with every meal we effectively disconnect from discomforting implicit realities, and practice ritually dismantling our inherent capacities to look deeply, listen deeply, care deeply, and understand deeply. Virtually everyone in our society suffers from these same wounds, and consequently we collectively fail to realize how devastating and self-enslaving our killing machines are, and fail to understand and discuss what is actually happening, and why.
Animal agriculture ravages and harms not just the animals, ecosystems, wildlife, indigenous populations, hungry people, and industry workers, but also the inner landscape of our consciousness, which is poisoned by the denial, and by the suppressed guilt and sorrow, that this killing machine requires. Now, as we reach the two-year anniversary of the launch of the pandemic narrative as a pretext to decisively strip away the last remaining fibers in the fabric of human sovereignty, essays on world peace, freedom and dignity, we face tremendous dangers and challenges, because governments are notorious for not returning freedoms once they have been taken away.
What we sow, we inevitably reap, and the Furies are relentless in demanding retribution, just as our enslavement of animals has been relentless and hideously brutal over the past several centuries. The irony is that without our basic freedoms of speech, assembly, and the press, our efforts to liberate animals are severely impeded. It only takes a relatively small handful of people with sophisticated technological systems to manage the breeding and processing of millions of individual livestock animals. Correspondingly, a small and powerful elite that has gradually captured the financial, corporate, governmental, medical, military, educational, and media systems can relatively easily control the narrative and behavior of billions of people similarly viewed as livestock.
As technocratic medical tracking systems proliferate amid sinister mandated injectables, the situation is critical. The beckoning doorway to a world of harmony, justice, abundance, and freedom is still available, but the longer we fail to question and decisively stop our commodification of animals, the more it fades from view. If we continue to insist on eating meat, dairy, and eggs and vivisecting and otherwise abusing animals, essays on world peace, we will essays on world peace experiencing the fury of the boomerang effect. A vegan world of respect for animals is the essential foundation for a positive future. However, it is clear that, just as we can be vegan and be unhealthy because we insist on eating a harmful diet of processed, chemical-laden plant-based foods, we can also be a vegan and be completely deluded about the situation playing out every day all around us, especially if we drink from the deceptive trough of mainstream media and trust the misleading medical narratives spewing from doctors and health authorities, including vegan ones, unfortunately.
Gradually, over the past years, the mainstream medical community has been virtually completely captured by the pharmaceutical industry a subset of the petrochemical industryand the wealth and power of this industry has allowed it to co-opt and subvert the environmental movement and the vegan movement, among others. A shallow faux veganism is now promoted by nonvegans like Bill Gates and it emphasizes a centralized approach to food production that subjects the Earth to harmful chemicals and humans to toxic, engineered factory-foods. In contrast, the foundation of authentic veganism is respect for the sovereignty of individual beings, both animal beings and human beings.
As a vegan activist for over 40 years, it has become obvious that the pharmaceutical-chemical industry is the chief enemy and destroyer of animals and nature, both through vivisection and through the primary markets for their products, which are petrochemical medications for exploited animals and indoctrinated humans. But unfortunately, the vegan movement has been infiltrated, like all justice movements have been, and a large number of vegans, like everyone else, fail to question the materialism of animal agriculture and of science and of our entire society, essays on world peace, which reduces nature to mere random processes, and animals to material commodities that are sold by essays on world peace pound.
Faux veganism never essays on world peace materialism and even celebrates it. It is not surprising that so many vegans are gullible to mainstream narratives, like the general population, because all of us have been wounded and deceived by the dominant materialistic narrative that pervades our educational, scientific, media, and other social institutions, and it takes a lot of effort and awareness to successfully question and unravel the falsehoods inherent in materialism. These efforts are more essential than ever before.
There are two basic steps we are all called to take. The first outer step is to transform our life, bringing our life into alignment with our values, so we are supporting, as best we can, only plant-based, organic, whole, and locally-sourced food and products. Becoming more self-sufficient and decentralized in terms of food, energy, and information, and supporting essays on world peace producers is essential to creating a healthy alternative to the ever-expanding centralized technocratic totalitarianism. The second and more difficult inner step is to essays on world peace the great adventure of spiritual discovery.
We are called to examine and introspect our own consciousness, and free ourselves from the vise-grip of the colonizing conditioning of materialism that has insinuated itself into our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. We are called to question our internalized materialistic convictions about health, spirituality, success, sexuality, freedom, science, history, food, relationships, reality: all of it. Transforming our world starts with each of us, and the liberating and necessary revolution in our world is ignited through us as individuals, and proceeds from there.
The time is short. The Furies are exacting retribution. Future generations are depending on our efforts, essays on world peace. com World Peace Diet Facilitator Training www. Home Book News Recent News World Peace Diet Translations Endorsements Relevant Links Social Media WPD Facebook Group WPD Facebook Page Dr. The Pandemic and the Goddesses of Retribution Published January 5, By Will Tuttle. By Dr. Will Tuttle In ancient Greek mythology, the three Furies the Erinyes were goddesses of retribution who punished human beings for committing crimes against the natural order, essays on world peace. Posted in EssaysCurrent BlogsWill's BlogsWill's Essays 8 Comments.
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Although the term is sometimes used to refer to a cessation of all hostility among all individuals, world peace more commonly refers to a permanent end to global and regional wars with future conflicts resolved through nonviolent means. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. World Peace. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Mar 27, Accessed January 7, com , Mar Is it possible to have a gun-free environment? Yes it is, if only everyone will maintain a harmonious relationship with each other, if everyone will help in obtaining peace and. That special bond might happen in the most unusual time and.
Violence, in the world of Beowulf, not only carries with it its inherent negative effects but also it helps to bring out good human qualities. The violence being described in. The peace process in Mindanao still needs a lot of work. The path to peace on the Bangsamoro sector. The establishment of compromising and reaching of the meeting of minds. Peace and ordeR is an occurrence of harmony characterized by the lack of violence, conflict behaviors and the freedom from fear of violence. Commonly understood as the absence of hostility. Being only sixteen years old did not matter squat to Malala Yousafazi. In a short fourteen years, she has won fame for fighting for peace, womens rights, and humanity.
Peace and order is an essential ingredient in maintaining economic development, social order and political stability. A condition of peace and order facilitates the growth of investments, generates more employment. Both Islam and Christianity promote the concept of peace within religious communities and throughout the world. The sacred texts of these religious traditions provide the principal teachings on peace and acts as an incentive towards the contribution of each religion to world peace. As a response to the issue of world peace, both Islam and Christianity are contributing to a significant process towards world peace at a number of different levels through initiatives, organisations, public statements by influential figures and interfaith dialogue.
Islam emphasises peace as a fundamental value and views peace as something that can only be found in submission to the will of God. Jesus also emphasized the ethical teaching of Agape Love, which refers to how Christian should interact with others, and is therefore a guide to global peace. ion to the will of Allah. Islam sees peace as consisting of two elements; to be at peace with God or inner peace, and secondly to be at peace with the rest of the world, or global peace. Home Page Essay On World Peace. Essay On World Peace Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality.
World peace is an idea of universal nonviolence in which all nations willingly cooperate. Christianity and Islam have responded to the issue of world peace to work towards building a culture of peace. Both religions aim for peace through different initiatives. The aforementioned initiatives aim to achieve peace on a global scale for a better future. The initiative responds to the issue of world peace as it calls for repentance for involvement in violence and participation within the world to find alternatives. The DOV sought to address five major worldwide themes, the lack of which were identified by the WCC as root causes of violence.
As stated in their docum Islam has positively contributed to the growth of world peace through their initiatives, Muslim Hands and WISE. Get Access. Good Essays. Comparison Between Christianity and Islam Words 2 Pages. Comparison Between Christianity and Islam. Skip to main navigation. essay on world peace. World Peace: Essay on World Peace Category: Essays and Paragraphs On November 22, By Mary World peace World peace can be referred to as the state of people from all countries in the world being happy and living harmoniously with each other. Importance of world peace World peace leads to increased globalization.
Globalization is the act where people from different countries are able to interact freely with each other in various aspects. World peace also leads to the promotion of tourism. With peace, people are freer to tour any country of their choice without fear of violence. World peace also contributes to cultural exchanges. People are able to interact freely with each other and they can learn different cultures from other people. World peace also contributes to more developed economies. This is because people are able to carry out both domestic and foreign investments without fear of the risk of future violence. World peace also contributes to the unification of people to fight unfair vices. People are able to speak with one voice to get rid of vices like racism, religious discrimination and gender inequality.
World peace also contributes to the reduction of wars. Warring countries or internal nation conflicts can be reduced if world peace existed.
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